<em>@wrpaulsen 259105 wrote:</em><blockquote>JA Opal template for an indoor tennis club:
(The old site is at sites.google.com/site/greenspringracquetclub )
I assembled the new site in [root]/jm and instead of moving the contents of the jm directory to the top level, I simply have the following in the [root]/index.html , which seems to work OK and I can easily go back to the google sites if something goes wrong:
<meta HTTP-EQUIV=”REFRESH” content=”0; url=http://www.greenspringrc.com/jm”>
FYI, this tennis club has about 3000 members and a Madmimi email list of about 5000. People use the website to get information – there’s no store, no blogs, no online memberships, no bookings. But info changes weekly.</blockquote>
Very nice job! And congratulations on the success of the site!
Thank you so much for sharing it with us.