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  • kelley Friend

    Hi JA,

    My site can be found at: http://www.jthclassof80.com/beta

    I installed the Orea Quick Start. (The new release, not the beta) I have installed NO components/modules/mambots. I am using Joomla Version 1.5.15. I have made NO modifications to the template.

    The reason I bought this template is because the first JA template I tried – Kinetic – (see http://www.jthclassof80.com) also has problems in Internet Explorer. So, I figured I’d just go back and redo the site. 🙁 The version of Internet Explorer I used to check both templates is IE8.

    I went back to your demo, and it also has problems in IE8. I did not notice it when I bought because I use Firefox, but unfortunately, I can’t just make the site for Firefox users.

    I haven’t been all through the site, but right off the bat, mod_jaslideshow2 in IE is missing links on the right and the background color. Is this something I can fix myself?

    Oh, by the time you get this, I may have started working on the site and putting in extensions… but since the problem is pre-existing, I will assume it is not something I installed! Please help me as soon as you can.

    Thanks JA!


    ps5t0ck5 Friend

    Hi Kelley

    I’ve looked at your site in firefox 3.6.2 and IE8 and it looks the same?

    What links are you expecting/wanting to see in the righthand side?

    Can you post an image of the differences that you see between firefox and IE8?

    damian Friend

    just opened with IE 8 , and looks good.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear kelley!

    i ‘m using the window vista, i looked at your site very carefully, the site is working well on the IE, Firefox…


    Please try to check again.


    kelley Friend

    I am still having the problem and have checked it on other computers. Are you guys running IE8 in Compatibility Mode? See image attached. Firefox is on top and looks fine. The IE image shows what appears to be a missing background graphic in the Slideshow module. The text is there… it is just white. Can anyone see this?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear kelley!

    i checked very very carefully, i only open the site on the Normally mode of ie 7,8, i could not found the problem:

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear kelley!

    I think that you need to have closer look on the issue, please add my google ID tienhc@joomsolutions.com and we ‘ll use the TeamViewer 5 software please download in there http://www.teamviewer.com/download/tv5.aspx, the software ‘ll help me see the problem on your computer .


    javiergonzalez Friend


    Could you please check my website? I am having same issue on IE 8 (not working): http://www.thetransferinstitute.com/


    steelgoddess Friend

    you are having the issue (both of you) in IE 7 as well…seems to be a template issue, not a you issue.

    javiergonzalez Friend

    ok. many thanks. Probably Joomart should fix this bug. Are you working n int colleagues?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear all !

    I still saw the site is working on IE 7,8 without any problems, if you would like ‘i ‘ll give you the video about my test.
    I think that the problem is from the slowly internet in there , so that some css did not fully.

    now, Please find a plugin to combine css code on your site, you can see the JA Compress plugin or this extension : http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/site-management/site-performance/7350?qh=YToxOntpOjA7czozOiJjc3MiO30%3D

    After installed, please check your site again


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