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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    1. Template Installation:

    From the JA Ores download package, you select and upload template package onto your site Administrator to install as normal. This is your first time installation? Check out How to install manual Joomla! template guide.

    Tips: If you wish to have JA Ores exactly as per our demo, we recommend you use quick-start package. This will create a new Joomla site with JA Ores, all built-in extensions and sample content. Check How to install Quickstart.

    2. Template Configuration

    Log in your site Admin panel, select Extentions >> Template Manager, click on JA_Ores, you will see:

    You can change all parameters as you wish.

    Template Logo

    1. Select Logo Type: Choose Image and replace the default Lime logo located in ” templates/ja_ores/images/logo.gif”. Choose Text to use pre-styled text in place of Logo (recommended for handheld/ mobile devices for increased performance).

    Template Font Size:

    1. Front size: Choose default front size for your front-end. Default is 3.

    Template Width:

    1. Template Width: You can select template width: Auto, Wide Screen, Specified Pixel, Specified Percentage.
    2. Specified width: Defines the template width. You can select Wide Screen/Narrow Screen.
    3. Color Varriation: You can choose the color for you template: Default Color, Blue, Green, etc.

    Menu System:

    1. Menu Module: Choose Menu type. This will be displayed in Horizontal navigation.
    2. Menu Type: Choose from available Menu’s Types Lime.
    3. Start Level: Level to start rendering the Menu at. 0 is the first level.
    4. End Level: Level to stop rendering the menu at. -1 for unlimited.
    5. Customize menu for page: Assign specific menu for each page in format: Itemid=menu_name. Each page per row. Eg. The section has the Itemid=54 and you want to use css menu.


    1. Default Layout: Select the default layout option for the template.
    2. Page layouts overwrite: Assign specific layout for each page in format: Itemid=layout_name. Each page per row.

    Go to templatesja_oreslayouts:

    For example: layout left-body-right:

    1. Iphone: Layout style for Iphone agents.
    2. Other Handheld devices: Layout style for other handheld /mobile agents like Android, Blackberry, Palm, Windows mobile…

    Default Layout Overwrite

    Note: Page Layouts Overwrite: Assign specific layout for component content of Category ID in templatesja_oreshtmlcom_content.

    Input the quote into Page Layouts Overwrite:


    Page item ID 109 is assigned Blog Layout. Check it out on demo site:

    You just simply change above-mentioned parameters, then refresh your front-page to see how the changes effect.

    Support RTL language:
    In our demo, you select RTL Languages > RTL Language Demo! from Homepage menu to see demo of RTL and LTR languages:

    3. Modules Postion:

    You can see Modules Position via:Here

    chgeorge Friend

    I try to install “ja_ores.v1.1.0.zip”, but I get the message:

    There was an error uploading this file to the server.
    Unable to find install package

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi chgeorge

    I have downloaded this template and saw that it is working fine

    Please download and install again. I think it will solve your issue

    vectorinformatics Friend

    How would one post some text content in User12 as is displayed in the example?

    http://startvector.com is our site.

    klinikumlev Friend

    I installed 2 times JA ORES on my localhost to build up 2 seperate websites: One should use Color “Light Red”, the other “Light Green”.

    But changing the parameter in the template administration do not work. And if I change color in frontend it will change both websites.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear klinikumlev!

    Which version do you use ? i tested my site working well without problems as you mentioned . please try to re-download the package and install again. and try to test with other browsers

    Thanks a lot

    joelms6 Friend

    Where is Cpanel module position in JA Ores?

    satyrical Friend

    i’m getting theerror message too. how did you fix it?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear joelms6!

    The template does not support the CPanel Position

    Sorry, i could not help you in this case


    huski Friend


    I have just downloaded this template – installed all the modules, plugins, etc no problem but the template does not install. I have tried to install this about 5 times, but continue getting the same error message “There was an error uploading this file to the server.”

    I have just installed a couple of other templates and there was no problem


    achiever Friend

    <em>@huski 179746 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi

    I have just downloaded this template – installed all the modules, plugins, etc no problem but the template does not install. I have tried to install this about 5 times, but continue getting the same error message “There was an error uploading this file to the server.”

    I have just installed a couple of other templates and there was no problem

    Try changing the upload_max_filesize value in you php.ini. The default size is 2MB and the template is just over 2MB.

    vsds Friend


    I can not upload and install template from Joomla backend. Displays error and I can not modify php.ini

    But if I try to upload template folder into “templates” directory (using FTP), not runs. Displays error JFolder::files: Path is not a folder when I am trying to configure template. Attach capture

    any help?

    1. ScreenShot929
    vsds Friend

    OK. Solved. The problem was the name of the folder. I renamed to ja_ores and now runs fine.

    kayz Friend

    I am having the same error problem. “There was an error uploading this file to the server.”

    It does not upload, whereas all other templates install fine. I even increased the memory limit but still no avail.

    I also renamed the file and it still gives me an error. Im using 1.5.18

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    <em>@kayz 184252 wrote:</em><blockquote>I am having the same error problem. “There was an error uploading this file to the server.”


    What is the “file” that drew this error?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 70 total)

This topic contains 69 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 11 years, 5 months ago.

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