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  • jedeon Friend


    I have just installed JA Pollux which I appreciate for his sobriety and his originality. Not knowing yet very well Joomla, I think that I undoubtedly forgot to activate an option or badly configured something since which I do not use Dropline. I selected 4 in the index php but nothing occurs. What is this I did not make well? :((

    Thank you by advance for your councils.

    gobabygo Friend

    Can you describe a little more in detail what you want to do and what you tried?
    I assume you want the Dropline Option, and that you’ve tried to replace the menu option in the appropriate place like this:

    # Choose your prefer Menu Type
    $ja_menutype = 4; // 1: Split Menu; 2: Son of Suckerfish Dropdown Menu; 3: Transmenu; 4: Script Dropline Menu;

    Is that what’s not working?

    jedeon Friend

    Hello GoBabyGo,

    Thank you very much for your answer. It is exactly what I did and yet that does not go… I cannot any more what make now…

    Bye, Jed

    gobabygo Friend

    Hi Jed,

    And what’s not working? If you say that “nothing appears” I suppose you mean that the submenus don’t appear, right? Now I assume that you’ve created some submenus to go into that Home parent menu = you went to Menu/mainmenu/New, and you created a new menu entry and gave it “Home” as a parent? Sorry if I state the obvious, but I’m a newbie too and I too am trying to make sense of the menus. My option 4 is working though.


    jedeon Friend

    Finally, I’m uninstall all and reloaded another version of joomla not translated and maintaining it goes normally. Still thank you for your assistance.

    Good continuation, Jed 🙂

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