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  • jarkkodottamolaatgmaildotcom Friend

    This is a copy with missing information in the first post about credentials to login.

    Please delete: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/ja-portfolio-1-2-0-and-joomla-1-7-featured-articles-looks-really-strange/


    Upgraded a homepage for a sports team yesterday from previous version of JA Portfolio and Joomla 1.6 to JA Portfolio 1.2 and Joomla 1.7.

    Since the upgrade I have disabled external access to the page since the Front-page/Featured articles looks really odd. and the dates and other when for ex. content is created is for ex. displayed like this: JACOM_CONTENT_CREATED_DATE_ON just below the article subject, the last part is for all articles displaying dates and so on.

    For some reason the right and left modules used on frontpage gets pushed down below the Featured article on front-page.

    Probably some DIV missing somewhere but can’t find it even if I searched for a while.

    Is there any know problem with Featured/Front-page, Joomla 1.7 and JA Portfolio 1.2.0?

    Would be really nice if you could find the problem since the sports team can not use the page for the moment.

    With kind regards
    Jarkko Tamola

    jooservices Friend

    Im sorry for this late reply, somehow I did not see this topic before. Can you please confirm if above is still an issue for you now?
    Viet Vu

    jarkkodottamolaatgmaildotcom Friend

    Hi, yes it’s still an issue.

    I’ve solved it temporary by not displaying anything in Front-end (Going straight to some other page) and not showing create data and so on in the header of articles.

    Jarkko Tamola

    jooservices Friend

    Hi Jarkko,
    I’m sending this issue to our developers for further checking to fix it for you. In the mean time, can you please edit your first post in Advance Mode to update FTP account?
    Viet Vu

    jarkkodottamolaatgmaildotcom Friend

    The post has been updated with the needed information.

    jooservices Friend

    I checked a demo of Ja portfolio 1.2.0 and joomla 1.7 but did not see the problem please give me exactly the url where the issue can be seen, give me the coorect FTP account aslo, maybe the one gave is not correct.
    Viet Vu

    jarkkodottamolaatgmaildotcom Friend


    Just tested the FTP credentials and they work just fine. Please give another try.

    Created a page here: http://www.vib.se/index.php/maelarenergi-cup/aeldre-maelarenergi-cup/177-test

    Since I’m uncertain about how to test the Featured Articles without activating that on front page (Don’t want that since the page is active, a lot of user uses the page), do you have any idea?


    jarkkodottamolaatgmaildotcom Friend

    Hi, It seems that someone has fixed the problem but uncertain how. Thanks a lot anyway.


    weyck Friend


    i have absolutly the same problem. Can anyone help me?


    Thanks. Juergen

    jooservices Friend

    <em>@weyck 291430 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    i have absolutly the same problem. Can anyone help me?


    Thanks. Juergen</blockquote>
    Please create your own thread to post your issue.

    Thank you

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jooservices 13 years, 1 month ago.

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