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  • rom_c Friend

    I’m using JA Promo Bar with JA Elastica template.
    My problem is that JA Promo Bar can only assigned to positions 5 or 7 (JA Elastica template predefined positions).
    And if I do this, all my modules change their positions and no module is showed on the 4th and 5th grid (wide layout).

    How can I fix this?

    Many thanks.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    You can assign it with social position then clear cache from admin area. Hope it helps


    rom_c Friend

    Thank You very much.
    Now it’s working!
    I’ve never seen any information about that social position on JA Elastica :-[
    Thanks again.

    rom_c Friend

    If I assign it to social position it’s behavior is the same as in position 7 or position 5, they aren’t showed on the 4th and 5th grid. All my modules go 1st, 2nd or 3rd grids…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@rom_c 504151 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ops.
    If I assign it to social position it’s behavior is the same as in position 7 or position 5, they aren’t showed on the 4th and 5th grid. All my modules go 1st, 2nd or 3rd grids…</blockquote>

    I duplicated this bug of you mentioned above and you can use this way to fix this

    + Open templates/ja_elastica/blocks/masonry.php file

    + Remove all code from <script type=”text/javascript”> to <script> end line of file and Save

    + Create new file templates/ja_elastica/js/jquery.masonry_custom.js file and add whole code below


    // var $('#ja-main').= $('#ja-main');

    var curr_layout = '';
    var colW = 0;

    //detect layout width
    if ($(window).width() >= 720) {
    curr_layout = 'fixed';
    colW = 240;
    } else {
    curr_layout = 'fluid';
    colW = $('#ja-main').width() / 2;
    //init layout masonry
    itemSelector: '.ja-masonry',
    columnWidth : colW,
    isAnimated: true,
    isResizable: true

    var reloadMasonry = function () {
    $('#ja-main').masonry( 'reload' );

    //change columnWidth depend on the wrapper width, specify for this template
    $(window).bind( 'smartresize.masonry', function() {
    //detect layout width
    if ($('#ja-main').width() >= 720) {
    //fix width layout - reload one time
    if (curr_layout != 'fixed') {
    curr_layout = 'fixed';
    $('#ja-main').masonry( 'option', { columnWidth: 240, isResizable: true } );
    $('#ja-main').masonry( 'reload' );
    } else {
    //update column width
    $('#ja-main').masonry( 'option', { columnWidth: $('#ja-main').width() / 2, isResizable: false } );
    //reload layout
    $('#ja-main').masonry( 'reload' );

    curr_layout = 'fluid';

    // Check bricks height changed - relayout
    $(function (){
    //store height for all bricks
    $('.ja-masonry').each (function(i, el){
    var el = $(this);
    el.data('h', el.height());

    //interval check
    $('#ja-main').data('interval-timer', setInterval(function () {
    //detect change on masonry bricks height
    $('.ja-masonry').each (function(i){
    var el = $(this);
    if (el.data('h') != el.height()) {
    el.data('h', el.height());
    reloadMasonry ();
    return false;
    }, 2000));


    + Open templates/ja_elastica/etc/layouts/default.xml file and add new line as my screenshot

    Once done to clear cache from admin area.

    rom_c Friend

    Thanks Ninja Lead!
    You’re realy a Ninja!!! 😀

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rom_c 9 years ago.

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