1. No need to throw away Mootools for jQuery 🙂 Either way the admin backend is heavily relying upon it. It’s a decision the J team took to use Mootools and I fully respect that.
2. Add an option to enable/disable MOOTOOLS and other core javascript files for the frontend. This option could exist in the “Global Configuration” page of Joomla 1.5. Also, provide an option to use the “packed”, full or perhaps a gzipped version of Mootools. Loading around 100kb for a js framework is overkill for any website. These options could be a dropdown list for selecting if one wants to include mootools, caption.js, both or nothing at all and another dropdown for choosing whether to use the full library, packed or gzipped (if Mootools is enabled of course).
3. Allow for “on demand” loading of Mootools even if they are disabled globally ONLY if some component requests for it. This is aimed towards extension developers, much like we did with loading css/js files on the head in J1.0.x. (addcustomhead).
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