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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    1. Template Installation:

    From the JA Rasite download package, you select and upload template package onto your site Administrator to install as normal. This is your first time installation? Check out How to install manual Joomla! template guide.

    : If you wish to have JA Rasite exactly as per our demo, we recommend you use quick-start package. This will create a new Joomla site with JA Rasite, all built-in extensions and sample content. Check How to install Quickstart.

    2. Template Configuration

    Log in your site Admin panel, select Extentions >> Template Manager, click on JA_Rasite, you will see:

    You can change all parameters as you wish.

    Template Logo

    1. Select Logo Type: Choose Image and replace the default Rasite logo located in ” templates/ja_rasite/images/logo.gif”. Choose Text to use pre-styled text in place of Logo (recommended for handheld/ mobile devices for increased performance).

    Template Font Size:

    1. Front size: Choose default front size for your front-end. Default is 3.

    Template Width:

    1. Template Width: Defines the template width in pixcel.
    2. Specified width: defines the specified width description.


    1. Default Style: if Style Switching is enabled, the selected style on frontpage will be saved. You must disable Style Switching or clear cookie to activate the new default style.

    Menu System:

    1. Menu Module: Choose Menu type. This will be displayed in Horizontal navigation.
    2. Menu Type: Choose from available Menu’s Types Rasite.
    3. Start Level: Level to start rendering the Menu at. 0 is the first level.
    4. End Level: Level to stop rendering the menu at. -1 for unlimited.
    5. Customize menu for page: Assign specific menu for each page in format: Itemid=menu_name. Each page per row. Eg. The section has the Itemid=54 and you want to use css menu. You can have a setting: “54=css”.
    6. Animation type: defines animation type description.
    7. Animation Duration: defines the animation duration description.


    1. Default Layout: Select the default layout option for the template.
    2. Page layouts overwrite: Assign specific layout for each page in format: Itemid=layout_name. Each page per row.
    3. Iphone: Layout style for Iphone agents.
    4. Other Handheld devices: Layout style for other handheld /mobile agents like Android, Blackberry, Palm, Windows mobile…

    You just simply change above-mentioned parameters, then refresh your front-page to see how the changes effect.

    Support RTL language:
    In our demo, you select RTL Languages > LTR Language Demo! from Homepage menu to see demo of RTL and LTR languages:

    3. Modules Postion:

    You can see Modules Position via: Here

    Hung Dinh

    spasco Friend

    How does one update the Featured Articles section? I’d like to know how to change the Title of this section along with how to change the section/category of articles it references.


    joomlart_un Friend

    How can I change my Rasite site direction to be RTL, by defailt ?

    viet4777 Friend

    Template rất cool và đẹp.

    Thank JA Teams.

    golfvilla Friend

    Has anyone else had problems using SEF URLs in JA Rasite? When I check the option to use SEF URL’s then it can’t find any of the links except the Home page.


    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear golfvilla!
    Please You turn on SEF as following:

    Search Engine Friendly URLs Yes
    Use Apache mod_rewrite Yes
    Add suffix to URLs Yes

    You access your host and try to file htacess.txt , rename to “.htaccess”

    GOod luck

    golfvilla Friend

    Thank you Tienhc! That fixed the problem.

    golfvilla Friend

    From the demo site, the “Featured Articles” section on the front page is not controlled by a module control (that I can find). I want to make the articles that show in this section longer. How do I do that?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear golfvilla!

    Please read other solution from me in this thread:



    nimrodgal Friend

    I also didn’t understand how to make this templete RTL.
    Can somone help me with this?
    Thank you.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear nimrodgal!

    It’s simple, you only find a language package which is the RTL Language. you get this language package, you install and set as default language, The Template ‘ll check the default language: is it the RTL language ? to display the RTL on the template.

    Good luck

    nimrodgal Friend

    Thank you very much.
    I did it and it’s like you said.

    synergy Friend

    what about those “user-areas/boxes” can I fill this content also from within joomla is that hard coded into the website ? I cant find it.

    Kind Regards, Peter

    Saguaros Moderator

    <em>@synergy 190293 wrote:</em><blockquote>what about those “user-areas/boxes” can I fill this content also from within joomla is that hard coded into the website ? I cant find it.

    Kind Regards, Peter</blockquote>

    would you like to know about user1->user12 position? please let me know more information on this issue

    camimic Friend


    Trying to install under Joomla 3.6.2 and PHP 7.0.10, I get this error.

    Cannot use JoomlaStringString as String because ‘String’ is a special class name in Sites/sa_test/libraries/vendor/joomla/registry/src/Format/Json.php on line 12

    Can you please assist ?

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This topic contains 17 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 8 years, 4 months ago.

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