I’ve spent a long time this morning to understand what was wrong in Rochea, for I thought that I had installed the quickstart package – which is not true. So the description of the template is misleading. And now it takes time to figure out step by step manually which are the modules of the demo and how they have been configured. I installed Teline recently and as there’s a demo installation package for real, everything went smoothly and I saved a lot of time to set up my site.
Also, it is said in the description that Rochea is compatible with Joomla 1.5, however the template works only with legacy mod on, and despite this the left menu doesn’t display properly (the menu items are not separated by lines, but have small triangles on their left side). Can that be corrected?
I also need to know how to display the three upper modules (the 3 images with sliding effect) that we see on the frontpage.