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  • Hieu Nguyen Admin

    i installed the template and had the follow problem:
    – when you look at the example site , when you are on a product page or category page, there is no right most column with modules. When you try to place them on the right side, the don’t align. There are placed at the botom of the screen.
    Who can help?

    ha le-viet Developer

    Hi Jo,

    May be your problem is oversized banner or something like that. Recheck it and tell me if it works.

    rafaelfunes Friend

    someone might order me the files PSD of the JA Shopping II to my email: [email]funes.rafael@gmail.com[/email] please

    nathanbohn Friend

    You will need to become a member to access the PSD Files, you can download them in the Downloads section.

    pantalonas Friend

    Ha Le-VietHi Jo,

    May be your problem is oversized banner or something like that. Recheck it and tell me if it works.

    Hi all,
    I don’t use banners and I allso have this problem. When I use Firefox the site comes out nice. But with IE the right site of the shop is moved down.
    Who can help me, please.


    stargate03 Friend

    hi there

    the scroller module is too wide, you need to either change its size or remove it

    emrfixit Friend

    stargate03hi there

    the scroller module is too wide, you need to either change its size or remove it

    I am having the same problem and so are many others. This drop down of the the right side only occurs in IE. I’ve tried Firefox and others on Linux and they do GREAT. I made sure the banner is 605, I’ve resized and removed the scoller and nothing helps. I’ve reloaded the template, upgraded to Joomla 1.0.10 and verified GD and other drivers as well. My site is http://www.seymourdeals.com and if someone has an idea, I and others would certainly appreicate it…

    I’ve noticed that Nathans site is working correclty….

    ha le-viet Developer

    Hi emrfixit,

    I’m now browsing your site (Seymour Deals) in both IE and Firefox and I see your site’s running perfectly. Did you solve your problem?

    emrfixit Friend

    No? Its still doing it. I am running IE 6.0. I am surprised you dont see it.

    ha le-viet Developer

    Here’s my screenshot.

    Ha Le-Viet

    emrfixit Friend

    Yes, it works great until you select a product, thats when it drops down, does it on all sites except the one I posted about earlier… If you select any menu option across the top it does GREAT, but select anything from the browse menu on the right side (latest added) , the scroller or the random items at the botton part, thats when the right side mis-aligns. The other folks building stores does the same thing, but you have to select a product.

    Thanks for you help…too!

    nathans Friend

    Hey, this is Nathan with http://www.tailgatedirect.com, I think it might have to do with 1 of 2 things.

    1)Either its your content/descriptions of your items that is causing the right pane to be way below, try adding a simple product with only a few lines of description and see if you get the same results.

    2)I know alot of people have had issues with the latest Joomla 1.10 and VirtueMart, so I went ahead and installed an earlier release of Joomla 1.0.8 and I have none of the problems many other people are having with their Joomla/VirtueMart working together.

    So here is the versions I’m running, Joomla 1.0.8 & VirtueMart 1.0.5 and the seem to work perfect together.

    emrfixit Friend

    I may have to end up doing this too, but I would like to give them (Joomla) a chance to iron this out. I did upgrade Joomla due to the security issues and I does perform very well with http://www.morganswebworks.com and I am pleased. I will not go live on this site for a little while and want to give JoomlArt a bit of time.

    Thanks so much for your feedback, it is very much appreciated!

    (btw… I had already tired some simple items with little or no details, no pictures, yada-yada it did the same. It didn’t do this at first but I’ve done some much I don’t remember if it started this after I upgraded either one of them. The main reason I upgraded Virtue-Mart was shipping with USPS, it wouldn’t work correctly until I upgraded then it worked pretty **** good.)

    emrfixit Friend

    emrfixitI may have to end up doing this too, but I would like to give them (Joomla) a chance to iron this out. I did upgrade Joomla due to the security issues and I does perform very well with http://www.morganswebworks.com and I am pleased. I will not go live on this site for a little while and want to give JoomlArt a bit of time.

    Thanks so much for your feedback, it is very much appreciated!

    (btw… I had already tired some simple items with little or no details, no pictures, yada-yada it did the same. It didn’t do this at first but I’ve done some much I don’t remember if it started this after I upgraded either one of them. The main reason I upgraded Virtue-Mart was shipping with USPS, it wouldn’t work correctly until I upgraded then it worked pretty **** good.)

    I had to down grade Joomla and VirtueMart to finally get the problem resolved. I check image sizes and most code and couldnt pinpoint the issue. The main reason I upgraded to Joomla 1.10 and Virtuemart 1.06 was to get the USPS shipping module to work. Since I down graded, the USPS module quit. I moved the shipping folder from the upgraded files and moved to 1.05 and the USPS works normal now.

    All we need now if for JoomlArt to fix this template to work with the newer versions of Joomla and VirtueMart….

    Check out the site http://www.seymourdeals.com

    pascalb Friend

    Hello there,

    I’ve just dl this wonderfull template. I’am very disapointed to discover the IE problem. The righ column comes out of range while every things are fine with Firefox

    I’m using Joomla 1.0.11 Stable and VirtueMart 1.0.6

    It sound’s like you guys at Joomlart must do something for us

    thanks a lot


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