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  • emwebmaster Friend

    I’m running a Joomla 1.6.6 site and wanted the JA Sidenews (version 1.1.1 for J1.6) to display as a drop-down for my Blog menu item. This way users can quickly see what the latest articles are.

    To see it in action, go to my client’s site and mouse hover over Blog in the main menu: http://filmtvsound.com/

    The module is set to only pull items from the blog category. However, whenever my client adds a new blog article(s) the module doesn’t show them. I’ve found I have to go to the module in the back-end and switch its Featured Articles display settings, from Show to Hide and vice versa. But here’s the strangest thing, none of the blog articles are featured!

    What’s more bizarre, it doesn’t matter what JA Sidenews is currently set to, whether it should Show featured articles or Hide them. Whatever it is, I need to toggle it to make the module show the newly created blog posts. That seems to make it display the newest articles in the drop-down.

    This is really strange, and my client shouldn’t have to do that just to make the site work smoothly. Any advice?

    1. ja-sidenews
    emwebmaster Friend

    I’m still having this issue. Any thoughts?

    n6rej Friend

    i’ve escalated this for you

    emwebmaster Friend

    Thanks a lot n6rej.

    Just as a small update, I can say that the issue is occurring on both JA Social and JA Rave 1.6 templates.

    Blaine Friend

    Hi emwebmaster,
    I have looked at the screenshot you provided and am wondering what position mega1 is. Please clarify that for me. I am asking because it is one of the only module positions I can not find when I look behind the code.
    Also please review this great video tutorial to be sure set up has been executed correctly.
    Get back to me and let me know if the issue becomes solved or not please.

    emwebmaster Friend

    Hi Blaine.

    Sorry for just noticing your post now.

    I looked in the back-end and there are positions for mega1 and mega2. They are, from what I can see in the template, positions that only appear in mega-menu dropdowns. Other templates have had them.

    I switched the position to mega2 to see if there was any difference, but the issue remains. I still have to toggle Show/Hide Featured Articles in the JA Sidenews module to make new blog posts appear.

    Blaine Friend

    Hi emwebmaster!
    If you have reviewed the documentation I suggested and feel confident that it has all been set up properly, then please be so kind as to check for an update to the template as well as extensions as many new ones have come out these past few days.
    You also say this happens with Rave, have you tried with any other template?
    May I suggest, if you have done all the above, cleared the site and browser cache and still see the issue that you submit a ticket with Super Admin details so we may take a look in the back end of the site.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Blaine 13 years, 3 months ago.

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