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  • djmarkus Friend

    If you can browse around my site please on the fron page I have the slideshow module with one image.

    I want to move the picture of the beach the long one to use the open space on the red area to the right of the logo and to the left of the social icons please

    I think it would look more better and take up some wasted Space

    Please tell me how

    Thanks in advance

    khoand Friend

    You add the code into /templates/ja_travel/block/header.php

    <?php if($this->countModules('slideshow')) : ?>
    <div id="ja-slideshow">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="slideshow" />
    <?php endif; ?>


    <?php if($this->countModules('slogan')) : ?>
    <div id="ja-slogan">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="slogan" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    You login backend > extensions > templates > ja_travel > layout > edit default layout, remove the code

    <block name="slideshow" type="modules" wrap-inner="1" style="raw">slideshow</block>

    You add the code into /templates/ja_travel/css/template.css

    width: 550px;

    Finally, you change Main Item width, Main Item height, Mark Width, Mark Height of slideshow module to suite for new position

    djmarkus Friend

    I have done all the steps however i need to change the size of the picture like the border that is to the right of my logo needs to be less and i need to increase it done some as well as the border on the bottom is too wide take a look

    how do i do that please

    khoand Friend

    Could you give me a snapshot of your website with annotation to illustrate your issue?

    djmarkus Friend

    Do you see the beach picture next to the logo at the very top of the page there is space under it above the menu I need to get rid of that spacece and also there is space after my logo before the picture starts. Need to get rid of that spaceSpanish Property For Sale or Rent in Spain

    khoand Friend

    Do you see the beach picture next to the logo at the very top of the page there is space under it above the menu I need to get rid of that spacece

    space is just belong logo height

    and also there is space after my logo before the picture starts

    You add the code into /templates/ja_travel/css/template.css

    #ja-slideshow {
    left: -50px;
    position: relative;

    Need to get rid of that spaceSpanish Property For Sale or Rent in Spain

    I don’t see it.

    djmarkus Friend

    almost correct got it resized left to right the beach picture which is good i also having it siting perfectly on the bottom by adding some code to youre

    I need it to rest the same way on the top as it does on the bottom the it would be perfect

    here is the code

    width: 650px;
    #ja-slideshow {
    left: -40px;
    position: relative;
    #ja-slideshow {
    bottom: -50px;
    position: relative;

    Also do you have skpe so we can chat so i can get it right

    khoand Friend

    I found down why your website has space bottom of logo, because <header> tag has <h3> empty. We just remove it, but demo site doesn’t have it. Could you give me username+password of your ftp? I will fix it and tell you how I do.

    djmarkus Friend

    yes just a sec i will send info to you via message

    djmarkus Friend

    what is happening the site has gone down

    khoand Friend

    <em>@djmarkus 291739 wrote:</em><blockquote>what is happening the site has gone down</blockquote>
    I don’t know why. Because your ftp you gave me just access /templates/your_template/, I can’t modify anything except the path.
    To remove the space bottom of logo. You remove the code from /templates/your_template/block/header.php (at line 38)


    djmarkus Friend

    ok i will look at that

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  djmarkus 12 years, 8 months ago.

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