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  • jukeboxjunkey Friend

    Referring to: mod_ja_contentscroll

    I’ve created 5 “new” articles in my “new” category “51” which I want to display, however I receive this error message. I’ve used the quickstart module and changed the “Category” setting from “41” to “51”. Now I receive the following error message.

    JA Content Slide Error: There is not any content in this category


    1. When I change the category “back” to the quickstart category “41” then they display correctly.
    2. When I add an article to category “41” the newly created article will not display.
    3. When I re-assign an existing article from a different category to category “41” it will not display.
    4. When I copy and existing article in category “41”, the newly copied article only displays the title.
    5. I’ve tried to use a different category “52” with the same error message.

    Any ideas!? My client is soooooo impatient! :confused:


    Added Info:

    If I open and select “Save” or “Apply” to an existing article in category “41” then only the title displays….

    Anonymous Moderator

    Please try with my guide:

    + In administrator, go to Extensions -> Module manager to edit the ja-slider module.
    + In the edit page, select Feature only radio to No.

    Else please send me your live url, admin account so that i could find your issue.

    efms Friend

    ah hello
    well i still don’t get it!!
    whats with “select Feature only radio to No”?
    which one is it anyway

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi efms,

    I am sorry for my delay.

    If possible, please send me your live url, admin account via PM. I want to check your webiste. I think you have configured some errors.

    efms Friend

    oh, thanks but no thanks
    i’m not gonna need it anyway. it doesn’t suite my site
    besides, i thought it was using virtuemart data, but instead it used article

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi efms,

    I am sorry but i could not help you when i don’t not have closer look on the issue.

    sfpkent Friend

    Hi JA Developer,

    I have the same problem as well and send you my site URL and login username and password. Kindly advice me how to solve it. It is urgent.

    Thanks! 🙂

    sfpkent Friend

    I am STILL waiting for the answer from support.

    sfpkent Friend

    Finally, I get the solution but I know where is the problem.

    When I used JCE to create new article to show in JA content slider, it not shows up. But when I changed to TinyMCE, everything just fine.

    But with TinyMCE, even if you set “no” to show title, the title still showing up no matter how hard you try.

    So, the conclusion is, content slider cannot communicate properly with JCE and TinyMCE.

    incept Friend

    Anyone reolve this?!?

    uae Friend

    <em>@incept 124349 wrote:</em><blockquote>Anyone reolve this?!?</blockquote>

    just create new section and cateorgy and new articals…
    and check the publich date

    ardexus Friend

    I had this issue as well:
    JA Content Slide Error: There is not any content in this category

    Issue was that Maximum Articles: was set to 0
    I thought setting to 0 would mean ‘no maximum’ or ‘display all’ but apparently it really does mean maximum=0

    So set maximum to 100, 1000, etc.

    himangi Friend

    Hi ardexus,

    Can you please update your url at http://support.joomlart.com/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/75230 and admin details so that I can take a look at the issue on your site? Also tell me from which category you wish to display articles, so that i will try to set the module accordingly.

    ardexus Friend

    Ok, thank you, I’ve filled in the ticket form. I can’t give you SSH or FTP access though.

    The issue I’m having now is that the arrow buttons are not located properly. I’m going to try the fix posted here:

    1. JA-Contentslide-arrow-button-bug
    himangi Friend

    Hi ardexus,

    Please let me know if you still have any problem after you try the solution you have found on the other thread.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  ardexus 13 years, 6 months ago.

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