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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    JA SlideShow2 Module Installation Guide

    Step 1: Installation
    You follow simple steps below:1/ Install the module via Joomla Installer
    2/ Assign module to the position: {top}
    3/ Enable the module

    Then, the module is instantly available in your front-end. If you are new to this stuff, follow detailed guideline below:
    —-How to install Joomla module
    —-How to use JA Tabs moduleThe module should look as below:

    Step 2: Configuration

    From the backend of your Joomla site (administration) select Extensions->Module Manger, then click on module title JA Slideshow2 to enter configuration panel:

    Here is the setting of JA SlideShow 2 Module on demo page:

    Parameters Explanation

    • Image Folder: Path to images folder. Default in JA Halite is “images/stories/demo/slideshow”.
    • Start Item: default is 0.
    • Sort Type: The sort order by of the images. Name/Time option.
    • Sort Order: The sort order of the images. Random/Ascending/Descending option.
    • Main Item Width: defines width item in pixel.
    • Main Item Height: define height item in pixel.
    • Show Description: Show or Hide Description. No Description/ Description only/ Descritption with Readmore option.
    • Show Description When: How to show description. Select Image animated/Always/Mouse Over Image option.
    • Read more Text: Text to display in Readmore button.
    • Animation Duration: Main image animation duration. Default is 400.
    • Animation Type: Animation effect you want to display. Select Fading/Moving option.
    • Animation Repeat: If Yes, animation will repeating forever.
    • Effect: Animation effects. Used with Wipe/Push animation only.
    • Container Width: Only apply for Animation type Moving. Select Fit to main image/ Full size option.
    • Navigation: choose Navigation Type. Select No/ Number/ Thumbnails option.
    • Thumbnail Width: defines width of thumbnail. If select navigation type is Thumbnails. Default is 60 in pixel.
    • Thumbnail Height: defines height of thumbnail. If select navigation type is Thumbnails. Default is 60 in pixel.
    • Thumbnail Spacing: vSpace: hSpace in pixel. Vertical and Horizontal space among thumbnails.
    • Number of Thumbnails: Number of displayed thumbnail items (If Navigation type is Thumbnails.)

    • Control buttons: Show/Hide control button.
    • Auto Play: If Yes, the slides show will auto switch based on time interval.
    • Interval: TIme in milliseconds for next play/run.
    • Thumbnail opacity: Opacity for Thumbnail.
    • Description background opacity: Opacity for the description.
    • Next/ Prev Images opacity: Opacity for the displayed part of next/previous images.
    • Description for each Item: Each .. is a content of slideshow. You can add content to display in JA Slideshow module. Use HTML tag to edit content.
    dawidt Friend

    What about other characters? I can’t put polish letters like ą,ś,ć etc. After I use word with those letters, those characters are deleted from frontend text (ex. powinieneś > powiniene). Any ideas? I’ve tried to put entities but nothing is changed.

    dawidt Friend

    Same problem is with any headline on website. Any support?

    veeesh Friend

    The Control buttons do not appear to work. Anyone else having problems?

    pinkfloyd Friend

    I am finding this very frustrating – the readmore appears but can’t get a a description to appear can anyone help?

    pinkfloyd Friend

    Hi Descriptions don’t appear and thumbnails, do nothing when clicked

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi pinkfloyd

    please submit a ticket, send us your live url, admin account so that we have a closer look on the issue.

    amilks Friend

    How can I remove the two tone text in the slideshow. You know how is shows yellow through the white? How can I make it just WHITE.


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi amilks

    I am sorry but i dont’ fully understand your question. if possible, please let me know in detail.

    arthos Friend

    Ok, it’s difficult for me to explain all this tips in english, but: I will try!

    1. Problem with images: they appears simultaneously, no effects, no fading, just problems!

    2. The module need to reload itself after you refresh the page, it is not maintaining layout position, and if you have more than one description set, it become a little confused!

    3. problems, a lot of problems…

    Please release a new module, I need it! 😀

    ericmuc Friend


    In Explorer 8.0 the text and buttons are clickable, not the image. But only the letters, that is difficult to use. And the readmore is underlined, but without function.

    Nothing is working t in FF3 and Chrome.

    It would be great if it works in all important browsers, I need the links to the image, text and buttons.

    So what can I do?


    Thanks, Eric

    PS: I have disabled this module at the moment

    Saguaros Moderator

    I think you get the last version from the rasite package, here is its userguide http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/ja-slideshow-2-userguide/

    scottg311 Friend

    Button1 and button2 are not clickable. Looks like there is a positioning problem, I see no hover or cursor effects ong the buttons, and when I try to click them, the masked image gets highlighted.
    See it here:

    wakemedia Friend

    Having issues with thumbnails – all I get is the placeholder dot image. Had a look at the CSS and the ja-slide-thumbs div is set to 5000px wide. When I remove the width setting, the thumbnails show up but they don’t align with the dot images, they just sort of pile in on top of each other… can anyone give me an idea of what to do with the CSS/settings to get it working properly?

    wakemedia Friend

    Wouldn’t you know… found the issue right away after posting. .ja-slide-thumb has text-indent set to -300%. Removed that and it worked. Why is it set like that by default? Annoying.

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