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  • theprofessor Friend

    I’m almost ready to give up on JA Slideshow 2.

    When I type in my text, any time I use an apostrophe (‘), it also adds a backslash () to the text.

    I need to fix this. You can see here: http://www.sypfantasyhockey.com

    Also, Does anyone know how to add a hyperlink or Read More to the slideshow to take the user to the corresponding article?

    theprofessor Friend

    As usual, after an hour or so of digging around I figured it out:

    In the JA Slideshow .php file, there is part of this line:

    str_replace(“‘”, “‘”, $descriptionArray[$img][‘caption’])

    take out the , so it reads:

    str_replace(“‘”, “‘”, $descriptionArray[$img][‘caption’])

    I don’t know enough about coding to know why this is there, so before I blow a gasket under the presumption that it should be fixed in the JA Slideshow 2 downloads (I had the same problem with my Opal template)…I’ll just assume there is a reason why that might be like that.

    Anyways…there’s the fix.

    Anonymous Moderator


    for normal, you can change :

    str_replace(“‘”, “‘”, $descriptionArray[$img][‘caption’])



    sunrise Friend

    Thanks a lot theprofessor. That’s a big help. That is what I like about this forum, the great guys with tip that help save time for others.

    wolfix Friend

    Just installed Slide-show 2.2.2 on J1.7.3… and still getting a backslash when I use (‘).

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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