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  • knightofthenight Friend

    I have some issues with the JA slideshow:
    JA slideshow:
    Why we have two modules and only the K2 have a function.?
    Where I can seperat to the normal headlines define the text size in the slideshow?
    In which way i can can disable the description? they dont react. it doesnot matter whisch choos i do ( no description, only description or desc. with readmore)

    My goal is to disable the description and have a link to the main article!
    So , is the readmore link the only solution for jumping to the main article?

    thanks in advance



    Urszula Dziki Friend

    to change font colour and size you have to use modulejaslideshow2.css about line 263

    for example i put size 18px
    .ja-slide-thumbs-mask, .ja-slidewrap-style2 .ja-slide-thumbs-handles {
    height:80px !important;
    width:auto !important;

    Front module text it not coming from description but from title On the blog – it is where you can do own description and easy change what you want to display and how. You don’t have to use read more button you can assign link from images you place. And you can assign class ( providing you write them in css ) to display how you want to display your text. What I posted above is how to change text display on the front page module…you need to go to your modulejaslideshow2.css

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Urszula Dziki 14 years, 3 months ago.

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