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  • prosper903 Friend

    The JA Slideshow 2 (most recent version) appears to be working fine on FF, but not in IE 7 on a PC.

    The site is: http://motionphysicaltherapy.com

    The pictures are off to the right and distorted.

    I’ve tested to see if there were conflicts with any other plugins or modules, but there were none. I’ve also applied other suggested fixes as mentioned in this forum and it did not fix the problem.

    Please help as soon as possible by replying with the solution.

    Thank you.

    P.S. A zip file of jpegs has been added for IE 7 errors on various Window systems.

    1. Selected_Captures.zip
    thuanlq Friend

    Hi Prosper903,

    I check on your site, i see your problems. To resolve it please do as following:
    – Open “default.php” file in the folder “templatesja_nickelhtmlmod_jaslideshow2”, then remove “<center>” tag on before

    <div class="ja-slidewrap" id="ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>" style="visibility:hidden">

    Your problems were due the slideshow template has “<center>”.

    Good luck,

    pfigueira Friend


    I have the same problem in JA Droid but the file default.php in “templatesja_droidhtmlmod_jaslideshow2” does’t have the <center> tag.

    P. Figueira

    pfigueira Friend

    Please… Can anyone help?
    P. Figueira

    thuanlq Friend

    Hi Figueira,

    Please provide me your website url , i need to debug in your site to give you solutions.


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  thuanlq 13 years, 10 months ago.

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