test melih
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  • synergy38 Friend

    I am testing the JA Edenite 1.5 Quickstart prior to going live.

    Scrawling through previous posts, the best I can come up with for hyperlinking the images/slides in the slideshow is to place the following in the Module’s Description Parameters:


    This does not seem to be working for me. Can anyone help?


    Nam Nguyen Phi Friend

    Sorry for my bad english but
    I can’t understand what’s you mean?


    synergy38 Friend

    I want to link the images in the slideshow to external URLs

    Nam Nguyen Phi Friend

    Yes, I see.
    I’ve try to find where to set url for image in slideshow module but not success.
    We can’t set URL for image in slide show. I think it is a limit of this module.

    k0tik0ti Friend

    There appears to be misleading information about the Slideshow module. Read that the images can be linked to external URL’s somewhere but all query entries on the subject haven’t produced a method (simplified) on how to achieve this.
    JA folks, can you please clarify if we can actually link URL’s to the images in the slideshow and if yes,
    Please o’ please, show us how in easy to understand language, speaking for myself, not programmer to know where the edits needs to be done…

    markb1439 Friend

    I would also like this information.

    tomasvp Friend

    Same for me.


    markb1439 Friend

    Hello? 🙂

    joliver Friend

    I would also like this information please.

    caldia Friend

    Has anyone figured out if this can be done????

    In the 1.0 version there was sl-1.jpg:caption=Image #1 Caption&url=# but that also DOES NOT hyperlink to anything.

    Joomlart: Is there an aswer to this question????????????/

    tcheema1 Friend

    Create a banner for position topsl

    Works like a charm,

    caldia Friend

    <em>@tcheema1 87596 wrote:</em><blockquote>Create a banner for position topsl

    Works like a charm,</blockquote>

    Can you please explain this in a little more detail. How to, etc?


    tcheema1 Friend

    Hi Ok I will explain.
    There are several steps, but if you want a clickable image in that area, its worth it.

    Stuff you should know before getting started.
    1. the url you want the image to point to
    2. width, height of image
    3. if you are using wide or narrow width of template
    (725 wide image using the wide ja_edenite template and 2 columns works for me)

    Stuff you may need to do before, during or after the steps below
    1. adjust the width and or height of the topsl css in administrator>>extensions>>template manager>>>>ja_edenite>>edit css>>template (or use some other local editor then upload with ftp)
    2. Upload at least one image to the images/banners folder. (FTP)

    step One. -Banner category
    If you have demo content inabled, there is probably already a banner category created.

    If you would like to create your own category, or if you have not enabled demo content, or if there simply is no category already there, you will need to establish at least 1 category.
    1. Mouse over components, and banner then choose “categories”
    2. CLick the “new” icon. Give your category a name, save.

    To skip step one -If you do not need to create a category, just Mouse over components, and banner and choose “banners”

    Step TWO -Create at least one client. Again if this is already there because of Demo Content, you can make the same decision asin step one. If you choose or need to create a client because of not having one, here’s how.
    1. After you click save in step one, or after you click on Banners because of skipping step one, click on Clients from the 3 links under the large blue “Category Manager: [ Banner ]” label.
    2. Click the “new” icon.
    3. Create at least one client, save
    4. Click on the link for “Banners”

    To skip step two. If you do not need to create a client, just Mouse over components, and banner and choose “banners”

    Step THREE. -Now create the banner.
    1. by now you should have navigated to the big blue label “Banner Manager” by step 1, 2, or skip
    2. click the “new” icon
    3. Fill out the form, save

    If my memory serves correctly, this creates a module, that you have to go to the module manager and enable. Also, you set the location in the module manager. Set the location to topsl.
    Good Luck!

    Let me know how it works

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  tcheema1 16 years, 3 months ago.

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