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  • henryxutao Friend

    I tried to use the custom type of JA Slideshow Lite in JA Beranis template. To make the effect just like it in JA Zite. I use Joomla 2.5. The description doesn’t slide from the left like JA Zite. Actually the custom animation doesn’t work at all. I followed the user guide, set up everything.
    And I found the JA slideshow lite in JA Beranis /Joomla 2.5 is version 1.2.1. And the JA Slideshow in JA Zite/ Joomla 3.1.1 is Version 1.1.6. The backend admin layout is totally different, in JA Beranis there are only a few fields can be configured, much simple than in the user guide. And there is no download link for JA Slideshow in your website which is weird.

    Nazario A Friend

    Please try with steps below:

    – Download my attached file: mod_jaslideshowlite.zip

    – Unzip the file then:
    + Override two files custom.php and default.php in the templatesyour_template_namehtmlmod_jaslideshowlite directory
    + Override two files mod_jaslideshowlite.css and mod_jaslideshowlite-custom.css in the templatesyour_template_namecss directory

    Slideshow’s Images: there are 3 images in a slideshow item which refer to main image, slideshow element 1 and slideshow element 2. All these images are stored in the folder that is defined in the back-end of the module.

    Slideshow images naming convention: You need to name the images with right format so that the module can get right images to display in each slideshow item. We suggest you name images as we do on our demo site (in the image below). For instance, for the slideshow item 1:
    – The image “sl1-bg.jpg” is the main image
    – The “sl1-first.png” is the slideshow element 1
    – The “sl1-second.png” is the slideshow element 2.

    – Back-end setting:

    * The supported class including: rupdown, rupup, leftleft, rightright, downdown

    – Then open the file: /templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css (if not exists, pls create one), then add this rule:

    .t3-slideshow .ja-ss-desc{
    background-color: inherit;
    top: 40%;
    width: 300px;
    transform: translate(0%, -50%);

    Once done, you should see the result: http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/685/5630102474.jpg

    Hope it helps.

    henryxutao Friend

    Great, thanks.
    So is that means every JA-Slideshow in every different JA templates are different?

    Nazario A Friend

    @ henryxytao,

    Yes, it depends on specific JA template, we will might integrate single style for JA Slideshow to fit such template concept.

    henryxutao Friend

    Thanks for your reply.
    JA’s products are great. But I just have a very bad experience, some time I try to use some standard feature of your extension, it’s very difficult, sometimes doesn’t even work. I think the reason is you customised your extension to fit the templates. My suggestion is in the documentation, please highlight that this extension has been customised for this template, it will save us a lot lot of time.

    Nazario A Friend

    @ henryxutao,

    Thanks for your feedback. I have passed your comments to our documentation team to improve our userguide better. Should you have additional finding that can help us to make the guide clearer, please do share with us. Appreciate your contributions.

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nazario A 10 years, 9 months ago.

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