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  • woluweb Friend

    I am developing a new site, for the first time with JA Purity.
    Quite strange it does not ship with Joomlart’s Slideshow module, but anyway.

    I have installed JA Slideshow Lite, which I do know very well.
    I have selected Corporate Layout
    Even if “slideshow” position does not appear in the list, I type it manually
    … and… great : my module shows 🙂

    Still I have a problem : the width of the slideshow is full screen, while I want to limit it to the width of the content of the site.

    How to make this ?

    Txs in advance !


    (besides this, T3 has recently changed with that new /templates/my_template/local directory, and I am not sure my old habits of customizing custom.css would still work)

    Eragon H Friend

    Hi woluweb,

    1. The Slideshow Lite only show in the content area in my case (see the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/4jhzmg)

    Can you share your site url and admin account by PM, I can have a look.

    2. Yes, the custom.css still work

    Best regards

    woluweb Friend

    Hi Eragon !

    — 1. width of slideshow position —

    Txs for your test.
    Can you please tell me which *position* of which *layout* you have used to get this ?

    (In my case, I used the “slideshow” position in the “corporate” layout, which is the only position of the template having the name “slideshow” as far as I know)

    In my case, I found a workaround by hacking
    where I added the class “container”

    But I don’t like hacking files, because in the end it always causes maintenance problems. So I tried by adding the class “container” to the module itself, but this would not work.. Do you see any other workaround ?

    — 2. padding of slideshow position : custom.css overriden by corporate.css !? —

    Besides the question above, I also wanted to reduce the top and bottom padding of slideshow position.
    This should have been a piece of cake… but again I face a strange problem.
    Maybe there is something I don’t get with this new “local” directory coming along with the last version of T3 ??

    See the screenshot hereafter :
    – I have added a custom.css file with the css below
    – I have even tried to activate and disable Development mode, just in case
    But no matter what, the corporate.css file has priority on my custom.css file (see screenshot).

    So what have I missed ?? 🙂

    .corporate .slideshow {
    background: #f7f7f7
    border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee
    padding: 0px 0; /* was 40 */




    Eragon H Friend

    Hi Marc,

    1. I used
    a. Layout: Feature-intro 2
    b. Position: Feature-intro 2

    2. The priority of usage a file in new T3
    a. Local folder: {root}/templates/{template-name}/local
    b. Template folder: {root}/templates/{template-name}
    c. Base theme folder in T3 Framework plugin: {root}/plugins/system/t3/base (bootstrap 2) or {root}/plugins/system/t3/base-bs3 (bootstrap 3)

    You can turn off using the Local directory in your site by adding the code after } in the last line of the configuration.php.

    define ('T3_LOCAL_DISABLED', 1);

    For more information, you can refer to this documentation: http://t3-framework.org/documentation/new-features#isolate-template

    3. In your case, I can see that you missed “;” at the end of every line in your code. If this just a typo error here, there is a trick that you can let the browser read the custom.css by adding !important

    .corporate .slideshow {
    background: #f7f7f7 !important;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee !important;
    padding: 0px 0; /* was 40 */ !important;

    Best regards

    woluweb Friend

    Hi Eragon !

    Txs a lot for your kind assistance 🙂


    For the position, now I undertand why it would work for you and not for me :
    – corporate>slideshow position is full width
    – feature-intro-2>feature-intro-2 position has container width


    For my css :
    – the semi-column “;” was not missing in my original file (well missing in my post above, you’re right !)
    – … but adding !important did indeed the trick ! 🙂

    I copy hereafter the right css for those reading us and who would copy-past the code, as there is also a typo in your last line :

    .corporate .slideshow {
    background: #f7f7f7 !important;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee !important;
    padding: 0px 0 !important; /* was 40 */

    Once again, txs a lot for your very much appreciated help !

    Eragon H Friend

    Hi woluweb,

    You are welcome.


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