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  • giuliano m Friend

    the module works but does not save the new settings.

    I checked the permissions, I reinstalled the module and updated slideshow.

    I do not know what to do
    please help 🙂

    Nazario A Friend


    I tried to save JA Slideshow in your site for testing, I se it’s working fine.

    Please check again.

    1. slideshow-5
    giuliano m Friend

    Hello and thanks for the quick response.

    the form to confirm saving but in reality it does not.

    if I change the Source, profile, and save the settings, they will not be saved back to the default settings :((

    thanks for the help

    giuliano m Friend

    I solved. the problem was in the database and basic settings of the module.

    the problem occurs only if by “image from selected folder” and in the folder you choose, there are too many images. At this point, being too long the parameter in the database, it can no longer be changed. The only way is to delete the parameter with phpmyadmin

    1. Screenshot_01
    Nazario A Friend

    @giuliano m,

    Glad to hear that. Let me know if you need further assistance.

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