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  • asstavolarotonda Friend

    Hi, I just installed JA Ironis and trying to change the images on the slideshow on homepage.
    The slideshow works well with the default folder (images/sampledata/parks/landscape or images/sampledata/fruitshop) but when I try to change folder, nothing shows.

    I have a similar problem with the module random image, no image shows up!
    Of course I have uploaded a new folder with new images.
    Do I need to give permissions to new folders? Or do I need to create thumbnails in the same folder?

    Thank you

    1. prob
    TomC Moderator

    When you say “when you try to change folder,” what exactly are you referring to?

    Do you mean changing the images within the slideshow image folder?

    Do you mean you created a new image folder for your slideshow images?

    Just need some clarification so we can try to best assist you with your issue.

    asstavolarotonda Friend

    Thank you for your reply.
    I mean I created a new image folder under “images” (I also tried with different locations, also inside folder “sampledata” and “resized”).
    Last try, I moved a new image to images/sampledata/fruitshop and also images/resized/images/sampledata/fruitshop but I can’t see it in the slideshow 🙁 (that as I already said works well with those folders)

    Sorry for my English 🙂

    mbittle Friend

    I had same problem. “JAT3 Clear Cache” at top of Admin panel solved it.

    TomC Moderator

    So when you created your new folder with the images you want to use for your slideshow, did you also make sure you changed/configured your slideshow module for the new/correct image file path for your images?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@mbittle 323677 wrote:</em><blockquote>I had same problem. “JAT3 Clear Cache” at top of Admin panel solved it.</blockquote>
    Hmmm … I wonder who suggested that solution … 😎

    asstavolarotonda Friend

    mm yes I read about that solution but it did’n work for me 🙁
    As for the folder, yes I changed and checked the image file path (then I cleared cache again, but nothing happened!)

    asstavolarotonda Friend

    slideshow works with “source”: from articles (images in articles are in several different new folders), but doesn’t work yet with my new folder.
    Module random image (from the same folder) is not working, as before. Maybe this could be a clue but I don’t figure how to go on 🙂
    I checked permissions of folder, that are 755, so it’s ok
    When I put an image inside an article, from the folder images/uku (that is the new folder I wanted to use for slideshow) it works!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi asstavolarotonda,

    Which image folder you want to show in this slideshow module? I shall check this for you.

    mandig Friend

    Hi there, I have the same problem with a new resized image folder which seems to ignore clear cache and I frankly cannot understand where it taked the source images too. I tried to delete some of the original ones but they still comes out. I tried lots of your templates and never had this problem, now I have in two on them. This is caused by something coming from you (templates, plugins or modules) for sure because I don’t have the same problems changing the template but I do have it either with you template only or your Content Slider module or Slideshow Lite. I’m really becoming mad because I cannot find out what causing the problem and now I have unwanted images that cannot be deleted (they can be in facts but once deleted the appear again the first time you browse the page where they are). Having tried many sites with several hosting service and having this problem only with one hosting could maybe be some php configuration? Any suggestion is accepted.

    Thank you very very much

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear mandig,
    <blockquote>I tried to delete some of the original ones but they still comes out</blockquote>
    This may come from the cache, please clean all the cache- T3 cache and try to disable cache in advanced settings of this slideshow module.

    asstavolarotonda Friend

    <em>@Saguaros 324295 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi asstavolarotonda,

    Which image folder you want to show in this slideshow module? I shall check this for you.</blockquote>

    The folder is images/uku but it’s the same with every folder.
    Now with the “source: from articles” it works so I’m thinking to use that source.. ’cause for the moment it’s ok.
    But the problem remains for a possible new gallery, and for the module “random image”!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi there,

    Your old images were resized and these resized images were saved in image/resized folder. If your new images have the same names with the old ones then this module will get the old one to display out.

    My suggestion is that you should change name of new images or just remove all images in image/resized folder.

    Hope this helps.

    mandig Friend

    <em>@Saguaros 324834 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dear mandig,

    This may come from the cache, please clean all the cache- T3 cache and try to disable cache in advanced settings of this slideshow module.</blockquote>

    Thanks for the reply Saguaros but I think that the problem is a little bit “wider”. I wrote in this topic but I noted that the resied folder inside Joomla images folder contains all the images on the site. My problem is that this folder comes out with your template only thus I guess it is a new T3 feature but there is no way to disable it.

    I don’t know if it is clear or not but for sure it is a pain in the axx because I can’t change images in real time and have to delete the resied folder every time.

    Thanks for every kind of help you can provide.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear mandig,

    May I have an admin and FTP account of site you’re working on? I shall make a try.

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