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  • cakish Friend

    I have JA SlideShow installed and updated on my template but I can’t find any information or tutorial about it.
    Why I don’t have access permission for that part of forum if I have that module installed and is regulary updated?

    cakish Friend

    I must say that I am very disappointed to see that some modules and components are coded. It is very complicated to maintain dynamic web traveler site when lot of changes have to constantly done by rewriting html or css code instead of having to do it directly through the admin interface from background site.
    Design is excelent but that is not nearly good enough because everything else is not done very bad. As I can see lot of people are having too much problems with template.

    I’m very disapointed so far. I almost regret that I have bought the template.:((

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi cakish,

    This is the screenshot about default config of JA Slideshow module on JA Travel Template

    And user guide about JA Travel Template: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/userguide-ja-travel-template-for-joomla-2-5/

    I tried to login Admin area on your site but I could not as your password has been changed. Please follow my screenshot above to solve the problem. If the issue still persists, PM me again. I will help you config it


    1. JASlideshow
    cakish Friend

    Thank you for your help Ninja. I have put that problem on side now. I think I will try to find a diferent soulution for an idea I had in my mind. I just need some time to figure out the template and all it’s functionallity.
    I’ll send you a password again if I will have some problems.

    You are very helpfull. 🙂

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I saw the problem on your site with multilanguage on JA Slideshow Module. I need to FTP account access and check on this. Please send PM it to me.

    dlazendi Friend

    Could you please tell me, can I copy slideshow module and make another one, for example, Homepage would have one slideshow with it’s picture and another menu item page would have another… I’ve tried copying slideshow and make the adjustments, but when I try to Save it log’s me out and doesn’t make changes?:eek:

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi dlazendi,

    You could do it by creating a new module with JA Slideshow, configure as your design and assign this module to appropriate page where you want it to be displayed.


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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