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  • gmeleski Friend


    I’ve had very little trouble with modifications to the JA-SLIDESHOW except for one item.

    I cannot figure out (even in the slideshow.css) how to position the thumbs at the BOTTOM.

    On the RUBY template, it makes no sense to have them at the top.

    The site here is under very early development (10% done) and you can see nav buttons no problems, but changing the .css to place the thumbs at the bottom (where they belong) yields no results.


    Thanks in advance,


    gmeleski Friend

    Hey, a big thanks out there to Joomlart for your very timely reply to my inquiry.

    I like your templates, but let’s face a hard fact, your support sucks rocks.

    Over at Rockettheme, I get a reply in an hour.

    I’m not a huge fan of their overly complex templates (or price) , but at least they have SUPPORT.

    In this economy, you simply cannot afford to alienate your user base in any way. For ANY reason.



    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    checked your site, but I dont understand your problems.
    pls more descript. Allow us to help you.
    Joomlart 4rum : reply very very quickly.

    gmeleski Friend

    Pics as seen below:

    1) Your stock configuration with thumbnails turned on. Thumbs get in the way and cannot be moved

    2) My modification with TEXT nav at the bottom works OK.

    3) Proper setup (mockup only) with THUMBNAILS positioned at BOTTOM where they belong

    4) Proper setup (mockup only) with BUTTON NAVIGATION

    If you can do anything to modify your Slideshow so it can work as shown in my mockups, that would be great. As it is now, everything is in the way of the text.

    Also, I could not get the navigation to function in FIREFOX.

    Gary Meleski

    1. stock_with_thumbs
    2. mod_with_text_nav
    3. mod_with_thumbnails
    4. mod_with_button_nav
    gmeleski Friend

    Once again, I must thank the team here at Joomlart for their incredible speedy support on these subjects. You are second to none in this respect.

    If you believe that s!@t I have a bridge I can sell you….

    Your ja-slideshow outputs foobar when using thumbnails. SEE ABOVE.

    Plus the NAV does NOT work in Firefox.

    And please check out my other posts when your finished spending the thousands you get from your subscriptions.

    Some century when you get around to helping a valued customer I would feel really good about it.

    Word of mouth goes along way. It sometimes can make or break a company…

    Gary Meleski

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi gmeleski,

    I am sorry for my delay.

    Could you please send me your admin account via PM, i want to check your configuration.
    I think there are some problem with your configuration.

    wambo Friend

    I have a problem with the module position. I can’t fine the position ja-slideshow for installing the module. Can you help me?

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    <em>@wambo 128076 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have a problem with the module position. I can’t fine the position ja-slideshow for installing the module. Can you help me?</blockquote>
    pls check Yoursite.com/?tp=1
    or, Install quickstart and compare your site

    cjmicro Friend

    I believe you just have to type in ja-slideshow in the module position, you will not find it in the dropdown choices, but if you write it in it should work. It did for me anyway!


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  cjmicro 15 years, 8 months ago.

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