<em>@lush 114722 wrote:</em><blockquote>HELP! :confused:
How do you control the rollover tint on the JA Slideshow? as I want to use the same style of the one that’s in the header section of the default template (Top main slideshow) in place of the JA Slideshow in the ja-slideshow module position. But when I move the module, the main tint stops working and only the text appears?
If you go to the url below, you will see what I am talking about, just rollover the main image… no tint?
I am in firefox, but I think the tint is not working in ie.
For this case, please open templates/beauty/css/ja.slideshow2.css file, at about line 190, find following code:
#ja-slideshow .maskDesc {
background: none;
and change to:
#ja-slideshow .maskDesc {
background: #000000;
Hope it helps.