I use the JA LEAD template in Joomla 1.5. Greate template by the way 😀
I want to display an image-gallery with the jaslideshow2 module, in the ja-slideshow possition. I have managed to make it work in FireFox, but I have some trubble with IE. The gallery workes fine in IE when the animation type is set to Moving, but when i use the Fade animation only one image shows then fades away, and all that`s left is an empty box. And I have several images in the folder!
I made an image folder and put the path to the folder in the slideshow-module. Animation Duration is set to 400 and Interval to 5000.
This is the URL to the site: http://www.jegertorni.com
What am I doing wrong?! Is there an answer to this problem, or is IE going to give me a hard time once again? >:(
Please help, I`ll be happy with any suggestions. Thanks