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  • mstoss Friend


    I had a local installation of Joomla 1.5.15 with the Sulfur template. The JA Slideshow2 module worked just fine locally, taking its images from the images slideshow folder. Then I transferred the installation to a web server and still all was running fine. Now the problem:

    When I added a new image to the slideshow folder via FTP, the slideshow got messed up, the images were all pushed down:

    Deleting images from the folder was no problem, adding the same images again neither. But when I simply CHANGED the name of one of the files only, the issue occured again. So it does not seem to be a problem of the file itself but more like some kind of database entry. On the web server I found a file called “thumbs.db” which was not there on my local installation. So I suspected this to be the one to store information about the files in the folder and since I did use FTP, there might be a conflict with some unaltered database entry. So I used the Media Manager instead of FTP and Voila: Oh, No – The Same problem.

    So what might be the cause of this and what can I do?

    Any help greatly appreciated,


    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear guy!

    That’s strange :), i have never seen the problem as yours. if possible give me the administrator account, you can send it via pm or ticket.


    mstoss Friend

    Any news? the same happens, when I change the hight of the slide show images in the parameter settings of the JA slideshow2 module. So I guess this IS an issue with the module.


    mstoss Friend

    I replaced the module from the server with that from the local version, in case there should be something wrong with it. No success so far. Please try to check this issue, I desperately need this module

    Thanks a lot.


    pimmar Friend

    Michael, what browser are you using ?

    in Firefox 3.6 and IE 8 I see no issues, looks good :confused:

    mstoss Friend

    <em>@pimmar 165515 wrote:</em><blockquote>Michael, what browser are you using ?

    in Firefox 3.6 and IE 8 I see no issues, looks good :confused:</blockquote>
    Thank you for checking this 🙂

    I still use FF 3.0 and you have to upload an image file via the media manager to the slideshow folder. Then you will see this issue. I don’t want the site to look like that all the time, so I deleted the images again after I noticed this. Likewise I renamed and renamed back when I tried to find out what might cause this.

    I have seen this with another computer with IE as well.

    All the best,

    pimmar Friend

    It seems due to to the browser version you are using, with the latest
    versions no problem to see, all looks good

    mstoss Friend

    <em>@pimmar 165619 wrote:</em><blockquote>It seems due to to the browser version you are using, with the latest
    versions no problem to see, all looks good</blockquote>

    It is definetely NOT the browser. As I said, I saw this with another computer as well. If you should happen to be online right now, you will be able to see this on your own, but anyhow, this is the effect in IE 8 and FF 3.6 (Windows 7)

    But I will delete the image which I uploaded to show this again soon. So only tienhc will be able to produce this effect by logging in.

    Anyway, thanks for checking.


    pimmar Friend

    yes you are right today its like your screenshots, however guarantee
    yesterday it was not the case, it looked good – weird problem 🙁

    mstoss Friend

    <em>@pimmar 165626 wrote:</em><blockquote>yes you are right today its like your screenshots, however guarantee
    yesterday it was not the case, it looked good – weird problem :(</blockquote>

    Listen: Whenever I try to change the name of the present files in the slideshow folder, or whenever I want to add a new file this is happening. BUT I don’t want my site to look like this all the time. So I took away these images again, and I renamed back the files and all was fine again. First when this issue is resolved, I can go on with further adjustments of my website. Meanwhile I prepare to repeat the installation from scratch – but this is the last thing I would want to choose. So I very much appreciate your efforts. Sorry if I was not clear enough about what I did.

    BTW: the site should look ok again now – but the problem is still there!

    All the best,

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear guy!

    I could not access your administrator with the account you gave. it seem to work well with IE 7,8 and FF on my computer.

    please try to debug as follow:

    pls open the file modulesmod_jaslideshow2mod_jaslideshow2.php and try to codes :
    window.addEvent(‘load’, function(){
    new JASlideshow2(‘ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>’, {
    startItem: <?php echo $startItem; ?>,
    showItem: <?php echo $showItem; ?>,
    itemWidth: <?php echo $thumbWidth+$thumbSpaces[0]; ?>,
    itemHeight: <?php echo $thumbHeight+$thumbSpaces[1]; ?>,
    mainWidth: <?php echo $mainWidth; ?>,
    mainHeight: <?php echo $mainHeight; ?>,
    maskWidth: <?php echo $maskWidth; ?>,
    maskHeigth:<?php echo $maskHeigth; ?>,
    duration: <?php echo $duration; ?>,
    transition: <?php echo $effect; ?>,
    animation: ‘<?php echo $animation; ?>’,
    animationRepeat: ‘<?php echo $animationRepeat; ?>’,
    thumbOpacity:<?php echo $thumbOpacity; ?>,
    maskOpacity: <?php echo $descOpacity; ?>,
    buttonOpacity: <?php echo $overlapOpacity; ?>,
    showDesc: ‘<?php echo $showDescription; ?>’,
    descMode: ‘<?php echo $showdescwhen; ?>’,
    readmoretext: ‘<?php echo $readmoretext; ?>’,
    overlap: <?php echo $container; ?>,
    navigation:'<?php echo $navigation; ?>’,
    urls:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $urls); ?>’],
    targets:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $targets); ?>’],
    autoPlay: <?php echo $autoplay; ?>,
    interval: <?php echo $interval; ?>,
    maskAlignment:'<?php echo $maskAlignment; ?>’,
    maskerTransStyle:'<?php echo $params->get(‘masker-transition-style’, ‘opacity’); ?>’,
    maskerTrans:<?php echo $params->get(‘marker-transition’, ‘Fx.Transitions.linear’); ?>,
    navePos:'<?php echo $navAlignment; ?>’



    // window.addEvent(‘load’, function(){
    new JASlideshow2(‘ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>’, {
    startItem: <?php echo $startItem; ?>,
    showItem: <?php echo $showItem; ?>,
    itemWidth: <?php echo $thumbWidth+$thumbSpaces[0]; ?>,
    itemHeight: <?php echo $thumbHeight+$thumbSpaces[1]; ?>,
    mainWidth: <?php echo $mainWidth; ?>,
    mainHeight: <?php echo $mainHeight; ?>,
    maskWidth: <?php echo $maskWidth; ?>,
    maskHeigth:<?php echo $maskHeigth; ?>,
    duration: <?php echo $duration; ?>,
    transition: <?php echo $effect; ?>,
    animation: ‘<?php echo $animation; ?>’,
    animationRepeat: ‘<?php echo $animationRepeat; ?>’,
    thumbOpacity:<?php echo $thumbOpacity; ?>,
    maskOpacity: <?php echo $descOpacity; ?>,
    buttonOpacity: <?php echo $overlapOpacity; ?>,
    showDesc: ‘<?php echo $showDescription; ?>’,
    descMode: ‘<?php echo $showdescwhen; ?>’,
    readmoretext: ‘<?php echo $readmoretext; ?>’,
    overlap: <?php echo $container; ?>,
    navigation:'<?php echo $navigation; ?>’,
    urls:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $urls); ?>’],
    targets:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $targets); ?>’],
    autoPlay: <?php echo $autoplay; ?>,
    interval: <?php echo $interval; ?>,
    maskAlignment:'<?php echo $maskAlignment; ?>’,
    maskerTransStyle:'<?php echo $params->get(‘masker-transition-style’, ‘opacity’); ?>’,
    maskerTrans:<?php echo $params->get(‘marker-transition’, ‘Fx.Transitions.linear’); ?>,
    navePos:'<?php echo $navAlignment; ?>’
    // });
    and ctr + f5 for any changes to test this.

    pls try to test again.

    mstoss Friend


    that code made no difference at all. But anyway it pointed me to part of the solution:

    I replaced the code and to see the difference, I now simply renamed 3 files of the slideshow folder. Now the gap between the headline and the slideshow images was even bigger – ca. 3 times bigger than with one file! … ? … Wasn’t there some code written in gray? … YES. And thats the reason for the gap, the code had to be placed somewhere, pushing the images down.

    I have to appologize for not seeing this before, but I changed the template colors and so the text became hardly to read. In another template layout, e.g. Orange, the code would have been immediately readable.

    Anyhow, I copied the text to an editor, this is how it reads:

    Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '//www/images/resized/images/stories/slideshow/fussball-wm-berlin1_940_340.jpg' for writing: Permission denied in //www/modules/mod_ja_contentslide/jaimage.php on line 284

    So I guess it is a problem of rights limitations, but how do I change this? Giving the folders and files a 777 didn’t do the trick 🙁

    Thank you very much for your help so far


    Saguaros Moderator

    That’s a bug of permission:

    You try to set

    the resized folder and its subfolders must to set permission 777. did you make right?

    mstoss Friend

    <em>@tienhc 166554 wrote:</em><blockquote>That’s a bug of permission:

    You try to set

    the resized folder and its subfolders must to set permission 777. did you make right?</blockquote>

    YEAH, TooTTooT, Hurray… etc. That did the trick. Sorry to be so ignorant. Now I can see that it is written in the error message path but I was so focused on the wrong folder that I did not even read that part carefully.

    Thank you very much.


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