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  • serdemwigi Friend

    Please see this url:

    I configured mod_jaslideshow2 but can not see any image. What can be the problem? Is there any documantation for this module?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    dear serdemwigi,

    please send me the login info, I wanna see you configuration in detail so as to help you out.

    serdemwigi Friend

    How can I send you the login information? Is there any documentaion for this modul? It must be not so difficult!

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    <em>@serdemwigi 210592 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I configured mod_jaslideshow2 but can not see any image.

    You are simply not referencing any content. Most likely you are simply pointing to the wrong place for the content you are wanting to show. Your source code is showing NO content being referenced which is usually a sign you are incorrectly referencing the folder.

    Being able to look at your parameters in the back end, as Hung was so kind to offer, would find quickly where the error lies.

    Have fun!

    serdemwigi Friend

    Is there any problem here?

    1. module
    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Yes there was a problem with that path. It should have been “images/stories/slideshow” … leaving out the extra slashes at the front and end.

    Still we are not seeing the images, but at least the template is looking for them in the right place.
    Please check the permissions on your /slideshow folder and make sure they are set to “755” or “757”

    serdemwigi Friend

    Hi again,

    the problem was not solved with the change of permission. I removed the present intallation and used the quickstart installation. It contains but an older Joomla Version: 1.5.20. With this installation (including the sample data) it works fine. Than I add the patches 20->21 and 21->22. Now I have the latest Joomla Version and the modules are all ok.

    Another question is the copyright info in the footer. May I remove this footer module (also the copyright info)?

    Can you please check the pages under http://www.la-cheminee.de whether it is Joomlart conform is?


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  serdemwigi 14 years ago.

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