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  • Bob Meetin Friend

    See: http://www.eviealo.com/ja_rasite

    The slideshow works fine except that I cannot figure out how to set up a link within the description to go to a page of my choice, rather than use the Read more which will only take you to the content article page. I’ve tried add link code around images, text, etc, but it does not work. What is the trick?

    Read more color – the read more text color is taking on the theme style – I tried editing the slideshow stylesheet and .maskDesc a.readon { color: #fff; } but it does not help. How do I control this?

    pritam Friend


    To change the Read More text color you need to goto:-


    Find This code at line no.95

    .maskDesc a.readon {
    background: url(“../images/arrow-ri.gif”) no-repeat scroll right 7px transparent;
    bottom: 2px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    display: block;
    font-size: 130%;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 0 8px 0 0;
    position: absolute;
    right: 20px;

    Change this code to :-

    .maskDesc a.readon {
    background: url(“../images/arrow-ri.gif”) no-repeat scroll right 7px transparent;
    bottom: 2px;
    color: #FFFFFF !important;
    display: block;
    font-size: 130%;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 0 8px 0 0;
    position: absolute;
    right: 20px;

    And the First issue you need to more clarify about that.

    Bob Meetin Friend

    Second problem resolved – thank you.

    First problem – Rather than link to the regular content article page I need to be able to link to an alternate page than what Readmore does. I tried adding in the following <a href code but it does nothing. How do I accomplish this?

    <a href=”http://www.dottedi.biz” target=”_new”>
    <img src=”/images/by_size/480/IMG_20110408_111315.jpg” alt=”Sample Image” title=”Sample Image” border=”0″ />

    <p><a href=”http://www.dottedi.biz” target=”_new”><strong style=’text-decoration:underline;font-size:150%;”>This should link to dotted i</strong></a></p>

    <p>The text next to the thumbnail is taken from the beginning of the article that is used to display the image, thumbnail and content. It can be made to link to any page.</p>

    <p>Senectus ante malesuada Donec sit hendrerit laoreet nulla Duis interdum senectus. Ligula ridiculus Duis et auctor rutrum egestas id habitant Morbi eu. Nunc libero nibh at Aliquam vel et sagittis congue a porta. Amet parturient elit sed ut dis at ac tellus Sed nibh. Nibh ac pellentesque nunc dictum hac.</p>

    pritam Friend


    To resolve the First problem you can refer this url :-


    Bob Meetin Friend

    I reviewed the Userguide. The configuration you’re referring to does not apply to using “From Articles” as Resource. So anyway I switched to “From Image Folder” just to see. Here’s the desc code I added:

    <p>latin latin latin</p>

    <p>latin latin latin</p>

    <p>latin latin latin</p>

    <p>latin latin latin</p>

    I triple checked, it looks good to me. Now it is giving a view like “JA Quartz” which would be okay, but still the links are not working. I have left it enabled on the “About Us” page only. I’ve spent about a day and a half trying to get this to work correctly, or as I wish it to work.


    Regarding Quartz, to get the navigation arrows like quartz what do I need to do, also to make the background of description transparent? I deviate, really mostly care about getting linking to work.

    Bob Meetin Friend

    Would you believe it – Firefox was starting to run slow (every now and then I see this, latency, etc) so I restarted the browser and the links started working using the Images by Folder method. Go figure…

    Styling – please point me to an entry which talks about how to make the arrows work like Quartz. thx.

    Bob Meetin Friend

    Still it would be nice to know how to make custom links (URLs point to my page choice) work when grabbing content from a category rather than a folder. Is this doable?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bob Meetin 13 years, 7 months ago.

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