In that thread:
<em>@quangvv 138323 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi all :),
I’ve checked the problem. There has some parameters that we need to care:
1. Sort type – the type which you want to do shorting.
- there has two types: Time and Name. Normally, i like to choose Name type
2.Sort order – the shorting order
There has 3 types:
- Random
- Ascending
- Descending
Let choose one of you want 😉
3. Start item – The first item which you want to start sliding. Remember this, refer to Sort order to make sure the thing you want to do :p.
i tried, and everything is ok.
Please, let check and try again.
Good job.
PS: remember to set “Auto play” = yes</blockquote>
I do not have the option to change the “sort type” or “sort order”… perhaps is there a way I can edit the css and js in order to add those functions? If anyone can give me the code for it I’d greatly appreciate it.