So I have just found out that even though I had deleted the other facebook profiles that come as default, I must not have deleted twitter and other profiles and left them turned on.
Now my site is chock full of Joomla articles from the social feed plugin. This oversite is completely my fault.
However, I can not find an easy way of deleting all of these articles!
I have previously spent a good hour or so trying to delete all of these articles, but to no avail.
The problem is that the only Author is “super user”, so I can not sort by that.
I try to search for all articles for a particular alias ie gabferneine
but no results show up.
The other problem is that as I did not setup twitter etc there is no category so I can not use this to search for either.
There are no tags to sort by either.
Could you please implement a way of selecting all of the articles by the JA Social Feed Plugin
So that I can delete them. As I have roughly 200 articles that need to be deleted, interspersed with actual articles I want to keep.
Even if it was to delete all of the articles from JA Social Plugin, I could re-import after that to get the articles I want to keep.