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  • tonyngo59 Friend

    HI there,
    I just installed the JA Social II and would like to modify the logo and header. I have try changed the style.less and variables.less but the logo is still not change correctly and it’s way too small.

    I would like to increase the logo size to 280×85

    Please send me more information to my email: tonyngo@ttnsolutions.com

    My demo URL is http://ellicann.kimlongtrading.com

    Tony Ngo

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there
    You can try with this code to custom.css

    .logo-image img {
    width: 280px;
    height: 85px

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    tonyngo59 Friend

    HI Viet,

    Where is this file? I don’t have custom.css file

    Tony Ngo

    tonyngo59 Friend

    Thanks, Viet!
    I added custom.css to css folder. The width is good but the header height is still not correct

    Very close!

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there
    Please provide your site URL than i can check.
    Your provided side look different with your screenshot.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    tonyngo59 Friend

    Hi Viet,

    Please check the homepage — URL: http://ellicann.kimlongtrading.com/
    and the News Page URL — http://ellicann.kimlongtrading.com/index.php/news

    Tony Ngo

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there
    Please adding

    max-height: 280px;
    If it does not work you can also use !important or increase css priority

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    tonyngo59 Friend

    Great, It’s working now….Thanks so much! http://www.joomlart.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.png

    Tony Ngo

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tonyngo59 9 years, 5 months ago.

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