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  • jsprague Friend

    Hello! I just re-joined and am really excited! I’m hoping you can hep though. I have figured out how to add the readmore button to the K2 blog section, but i need it to be styled like the home page layout so the Read more button is positioned next to the comment button.

    like this:

    Not This

    Any style help would be so great!

    Thanks! – Josh

    1. yes
    2. no
    jsprague Friend

    Welp… I’ve been trying to figure this one out but have only been able to jack things up I’m afraid…

    Any kind soul out there willing to help a fella out?


    aman204 Friend

    Can any of you please provide in direct link to take closer look 🙂

    jsprague Friend

    Sure can! Thanks so much for taking the time. While you’re looking around, can you see if you can tell why my drop down nav is shifting to th eright a bit?


    Thanks again!

    aman204 Friend

    Hi jsprague,

    To troubleshoot, Please change menu type to User Page (blog) and check if it appears fine, then

    jsprague Friend

    <em>@aman204 202663 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi jsprague,

    To troubleshoot, Please change menu type to User Page (blog) and check if it appears fine, then</blockquote>

    Ok cool, that fixes the button issue. Now can we apply that to the old view somehow? so I can avoid having the author info at top and also allow for other authors to be viewed in the list.

    Again, thanks so much for the assistance!

    Phill Moderator

    Could you please post a link to a page where you are using the view that requires modification?

    jsprague Friend

    Sure, http://www.webkinzone.com/ aman204 has asked that I switch to a different menu type which allows you to see how I want the buttons to be. I just dont want to restrict this menu to one author.

    I will revert it back so you can see the problem.


    Phill Moderator

    Could you post the modifications you made to get the button in the K2 Blog section? It is currently in a different div to the comments button which is why it is not appearing where you want it.

    jsprague Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 202700 wrote:</em><blockquote>Could you post the modifications you made to get the button in the K2 Blog section? It is currently in a different div to the comments button which is why it is not appearing where you want it.</blockquote>

    Sure, it really wasn’t a mod, rather I turned on the Readmore option in k2. So if you go to and item in the backend and you click on categories (k2) then the Parameters button, there are 2 places where you can turn on readmore. I just enabled them.

    The bummer is, it always shows, even when there isn’t a readmore inserted in the article.


    Phill Moderator

    OK, so I have not tested this as my laptop does not allow Wamp at the moment but try replaceing the current code in templates>JA_Social>html>com_k2>templates>JA_Social_blog>category_item.php with the below code (that is the whole of the file below).

    * @version $Id: category_item.php 493 2010-06-17 14:58:58Z joomlaworks $
    * @package K2
    * @author JoomlaWorks http://www.joomlaworks.gr
    * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 JoomlaWorks, a business unit of Nuevvo Webware Ltd. All rights reserved.
    * @license GNU/GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
    // no direct access
    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
    // Define default image size (do not change)
    K2HelperUtilities::setDefaultImage($this->item, 'itemlist', $this->item->params);
    <!-- Start K2 Item Layout -->
    <div class="catItemView group<?php echo ucfirst($this->item->itemGroup); ?><?php echo ($this->item->featured) ? ' catItemIsFeatured' : ''; ?><?php if($this->item->params->get('pageclass_sfx')) echo ' '.$this->item->params->get('pageclass_sfx'); ?>">
    <!-- Plugins: BeforeDisplay -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->BeforeDisplay; ?>
    <!-- K2 Plugins: K2BeforeDisplay -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->K2BeforeDisplay; ?>
    <?php if(isset($this->item->editLink)): ?>
    <!-- Item edit link -->
    <span class="catItemEditLink">
    <a class="modal" rel="{handler:'iframe',size:{x:990,y:650}}" href="<?php echo $this->item->editLink; ?>">
    <?php echo JText::_('Edit item'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <div class="catItemHeader clearfix">
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemTitle')): ?>
    <!-- Item title -->
    <h3 class="catItemTitle">
    <?php if ($this->item->params->get('catItemTitleLinked')): ?>
    <a href="<?php echo $this->item->link; ?>">
    <?php echo $this->item->title; ?>
    <?php else: ?>
    <?php echo $this->item->title; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemFeaturedNotice') && $this->item->featured): ?>
    <!-- Featured flag -->
    <?php echo JText::_('Featured'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <div class="ja-blog-tools">
    <div class="ja-blog-meta clearfix">

    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemDateCreated')): ?>
    <!-- Date created -->
    <div class="postdate-wrap">
    <span class="postdate clearfix">
    $createDay = date('d', strtotime( $this->item->created));
    $createMonth = date('M', strtotime( $this->item->created));
    $createYear = date('Y', strtotime( $this->item->created));
    <span class="date"><?php echo $createDay; ?></span>
    <span class="month-year"><span class="month"><?php echo $createMonth; ?></span><span class="year"><?php echo $createYear; ?></span></span>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <div class="cat-date">
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemCategory')): ?>
    <!-- Item category name -->
    <span class="article-category">
    <span><?php echo JText::_('Published in'); ?></span>
    <a href="<?php echo $this->item->category->link; ?>"><?php echo $this->item->category->name; ?></a>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemAuthor')): ?>
    <!-- Item Author -->
    <span class="createby">
    by <a href="<?php echo $this->item->author->link; ?>"><?php echo $this->item->author->name; ?></a>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <div class="blog-rate-hit">
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemHits')): ?>
    <!-- Item Hits -->
    <div class="catItemHitsBlock">
    <span class="catItemHits">
    <?php echo JText::_('Read'); ?> <b><?php echo $this->item->hits; ?></b> <?php echo JText::_('times'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemRating')): ?>
    <!-- Item Rating -->
    <div class="catItemRatingBlock">
    <span><?php echo JText::_('Rate this item'); ?></span>
    <div class="itemRatingForm">
    <ul class="itemRatingList">
    <li class="itemCurrentRating" id="itemCurrentRating<?php echo $this->item->id; ?>" style="width:<?php echo $this->item->votingPercentage; ?>%;"></li>
    <li><a href="#" rel="<?php echo $this->item->id; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('1 star out of 5'); ?>" class="one-star">1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" rel="<?php echo $this->item->id; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('2 stars out of 5'); ?>" class="two-stars">2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" rel="<?php echo $this->item->id; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('3 stars out of 5'); ?>" class="three-stars">3</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" rel="<?php echo $this->item->id; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('4 stars out of 5'); ?>" class="four-stars">4</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" rel="<?php echo $this->item->id; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('5 stars out of 5'); ?>" class="five-stars">5</a></li>
    <div id="itemRatingLog<?php echo $this->item->id; ?>" class="itemRatingLog"><?php echo $this->item->numOfvotes; ?></div>
    <div class="clr"></div>
    <div class="clr"></div>
    <?php endif; ?>


    <!-- Plugins: AfterDisplayTitle -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->AfterDisplayTitle; ?>
    <!-- K2 Plugins: K2AfterDisplayTitle -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->K2AfterDisplayTitle; ?>
    <div class="catItemBody clearfix">
    <!-- Plugins: BeforeDisplayContent -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->BeforeDisplayContent; ?>
    <!-- K2 Plugins: K2BeforeDisplayContent -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->K2BeforeDisplayContent; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemImage') && !empty($this->item->image)): ?>
    <!-- Item Image -->
    <div class="catItemImageBlock">
    <span class="catItemImage">
    <a href="<?php echo $this->item->link; ?>" title="<?php if(!empty($this->item->image_caption)) echo $this->item->image_caption; else echo $this->item->title; ?>">
    <img src="<?php echo $this->item->image; ?>" alt="<?php if(!empty($this->item->image_caption)) echo $this->item->image_caption; else echo $this->item->title; ?>" style="width:<?php echo $this->item->imageWidth; ?>px; height:auto;" />
    <div class="clr"></div>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemIntroText')): ?>
    <!-- Item introtext -->
    <div class="catItemIntroText clearfix">
    <?php echo $this->item->introtext; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemExtraFields') && count($this->item->extra_fields)): ?>
    <!-- Item extra fields -->
    <div class="catItemExtraFields">
    <h4><?php echo JText::_('Additional Info'); ?></h4>
    <?php foreach ($this->item->extra_fields as $key=>$extraField): ?>
    <li class="<?php echo ($key%2) ? "odd" : "even"; ?> type<?php echo ucfirst($extraField->type); ?> group<?php echo $extraField->group; ?>">
    <span class="catItemExtraFieldsLabel"><?php echo $extraField->name; ?></span>
    <span class="catItemExtraFieldsValue"><?php echo $extraField->value; ?></span>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- Plugins: AfterDisplayContent -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->AfterDisplayContent; ?>
    <!-- K2 Plugins: K2AfterDisplayContent -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->K2AfterDisplayContent; ?>
    <?php if (
    $this->item->params->get('catItemCategory') ||
    $this->item->params->get('catItemTags') ||
    ): ?>
    <div class="catItemLinks clearfix">
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemTags') && count($this->item->tags)): ?>
    <!-- Item tags -->
    <div class="catItemTagsBlock">
    <span><?php echo JText::_("Tagged under"); ?></span>
    <ul class="catItemTags">
    <?php foreach ($this->item->tags as $tag): ?>
    <li><a href="<?php echo $tag->link; ?>"><?php echo $tag->name; ?></a></li>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemAttachments') && count($this->item->attachments)): ?>
    <!-- Item attachments -->
    <div class="catItemAttachmentsBlock clearfix">
    <span><?php echo JText::_("Download attachments:"); ?></span>
    <ul class="catItemAttachments">
    <?php foreach ($this->item->attachments as $attachment): ?>
    <a title="<?php echo htmlentities($attachment->titleAttribute, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?>" href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&task=download&id='.$attachment->id); ?>">
    <?php echo $attachment->title ; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemAttachmentsCounter')): ?>
    <span>(<?php echo $attachment->hits; ?> <?php echo (count($attachment->hits)==1) ? JText::_("download") : JText::_("downloads"); ?>)</span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemVideo') && !empty($this->item->video)): ?>
    <!-- Item video -->
    <div class="catItemVideoBlock">
    <h3><?php echo JText::_('Related Video'); ?></h3>
    <?php if($this->item->videoType=='embedded'): ?>
    <div class="catItemVideoEmbedded">
    <?php echo $this->item->video; ?>
    <?php else: ?>
    <span class="catItemVideo"><?php echo $this->item->video; ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemImageGallery') && !empty($this->item->gallery)): ?>
    <!-- Item image gallery -->
    <div class="catItemImageGallery clearfix">
    <h4><?php echo JText::_('Image Gallery'); ?></h4>
    <?php echo $this->item->gallery; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemCommentsAnchor') && ( ($this->item->params->get('comments') == '2' && !$this->user->guest) || ($this->item->params->get('comments') == '1')) ): ?>
    <!-- Anchor link to comments below -->
    <div class="catItemCommentsLink clearfix">
    <?php if(!empty($this->item->event->K2CommentsCounter)):?>
    <!-- K2 Plugins: K2CommentsCounter -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->K2CommentsCounter; ?>
    <?php else: ?>
    <?php if($this->item->numOfComments > 0): ?>
    <a href="<?php echo $this->item->link; ?>#itemCommentsAnchor">
    <?php echo $this->item->numOfComments; ?> <?php echo ($this->item->numOfComments>1) ? JText::_('comments') : JText::_('comment'); ?>
    <?php else: ?>
    <a href="<?php echo $this->item->link; ?>#itemCommentsAnchor">
    <?php echo JText::_('Be the first to comment!'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($this->item->params->get('catItemReadMore')): ?>
    <!-- Item "read more..." link -->
    <p class="readmore">
    <a href="<?php echo $this->item->link; ?>">
    <?php echo JText::_('Read more...'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemDateModified')): ?>
    <!-- Item date modified -->
    <?php if($this->item->created != $this->item->modified): ?>
    <span class="modifydate">
    <?php echo JText::_('Last modified on'); ?> <?php echo JHTML::_('date', $this->item->modified, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- Plugins: AfterDisplay -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->AfterDisplay; ?>
    <!-- K2 Plugins: K2AfterDisplay -->
    <?php echo $this->item->event->K2AfterDisplay; ?>
    <!-- End K2 Item Layout -->

    jsprague Friend

    Thanks again for taking the time to help, I areally appreciate it!

    That said, I applied the fix as you instructed but now the readmore doesnt show at all. Let me know if you would like me to try a different approach.

    Thanks! – Josh

    aman204 Friend

    Try add this at end of template.css file (change values accordingly)::

    .itemListView p.readmore {bottom:15px;left:90px;position:absolute;}

    and then, change this::

    div.itemContainer {k2.css (line 1079)


    div.itemContainer {k2.css (line 1079)

    Phill Moderator

    That might work but I think it would be better to have the buttons in the same div. Currently they are in different div’s with a separator in between. If the above does not work as required I will take a propper look when I get home.

    Sami Mattila Friend

    Hi, I don’t understand what’s going on with the READ MOre links.

    First I had the read-more pictures all over the place (either directly attached to the pictures on the frontpage or below the tweet/share buttons).

    Then I figured out that I’ll try what happens if I enable commenting (Jcomments, I have disabled K2 default comment-system since it does not have a simple captcha) on frontpage (which I dont want to do). Then the Read More pictures disappeared and link came along with Leave a comment link. Problem is that 2 out of 3 frontpage articles do not have the read more links anymore at all.

    All three have the same settings/code in the articles. Menu has Read More links enabled. What’s going on?

    Here is a link:

    Please help!


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

This topic contains 23 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jsprague 14 years, 1 month ago.

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