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  • joeluvny Friend

    Hello, is their a way for the JA System Social Feed Plugin to only the most pull in the most recent page feeds and not the entire Facebook feed history. I was using it to pull over 30 Facebook pages but it would not only pull in the most recent post but the entire Facebook post history which cause my database to get bloated and the data useless.

    It was pulling feeds from pages all the way back to 2007

    Also do you plan on added an expiration date feature to the plugin?
    This feature would unpublish and automatically delete any feeds that as past a certain date, ex.( delete any feed that is more than 7 days old)

    Thank you

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    Please allow me a bit time. I’ll check code of this plugin than we can see what can we do.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    joeluvny Friend

    Thank you, that would be great! 🙂
    I would love to start using it again


    joeluvny Friend

    Hello Viet, do you have any updates on this issue yet?


    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    I’m sorry was bit busy with some issues. I’ll reply you update today.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    I have just checked into this plugin source code.
    Let’s try to play with it.


    This’s table for Joomla! content. We’r using it to save data to Joomla! com_content article

    $item['id'] = $id;
    $item['created_by'] = $post['created_by'];
    $item['created_by_alias'] = html_entity_decode($post['source_author'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
    $item['catid'] = $post['catid'];
    $item['alias'] = $post['source_alias'];
    $item['title'] = html_entity_decode($post['source_title'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
    $item['created'] = $this->dateToDb($post['source_published_date']);
    $item['publish_up'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()-86400);
    $item['publish_down'] = '';

    $item['created'] = $this->dateToDb($post['source_published_date']);

    As you can see, this item created time will stored by get from facebook source_published_date. Yup ! At this point we can inject our code to check time diferent


    For sample you want to limit 7 days from current day with created time.

    I’m not sure our developer will include it in next version but at least we got solution.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    joeluvny Friend

    Thank you for looking into this for me Viet but can you help me by giving me the code that i would inject after the
    $item[‘created’] = $this->dateToDb($post[‘source_published_date’]);

    So that it only seek Facebook feeds that are not older than 7 days.

    Thank you


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  joeluvny 10 years, 2 months ago.

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