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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    The JA Social Feed Plug-in imports content automatically from popular Social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, Instegram, …) and adds to the Joomla or K2 category as articles.

    I. Installation

    If you are new to Joomla, view our detail guide of Joomla Plugin installtion HERE.

    Note: After you install successfully, please make sure curl library is installed and enabled in your server so that the plugin will work properly.

    II. Configuration

    1. Supported Social Engines

    JA Social Feeds plugin supports the following social engines:

    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Youtube
    • Vimeo
    • Instagram
    • Flickr

    2. Profile

    For each social engine, you can create unlimited profiles to pull content.

    Click on the “New” button to create new profile then setting for the profile to pull content.

    3. Verify

    This is an important feature, you should verify to check the input value is valid or not.

    4. Configuration

    4.1 Facebook and Twitter

    The settings of the 2 social engines are the same so I will just show the settings of Facebook, you can do the same for Twitter.

    General Settings

    The setting allows you to enable or disable the profile then add Facebook ID / Twitter search.

    Article Settings

    When content of social engines is pulled, it is saved as joomla or k2 article.

    • Author: select the user that will be the author of the pulled content when saved as article in your site.
    • Target Component: select content type of the pulled content: Joomla content or K2 content
    • Category: select the category where the pulled content belongs to.
    • Title Type: select option to use as article tile.
    • Source Text: the text for original link to post on the item page.

    Note: This part is the same for all social engines setting so we will mention this part in this section only.

    Advanced Settings

    For these setting parameters, you are allowed to save images to your host or not. You can select to display image in the item or not and select which images can be displayed based on on image size.

    • Update Article: if Yes, existing articles will be updated (when you pull content) when it’s source content is updated.
    • Use Image: if Yes, the plugin will automatically extract image from the URL that user shared in facebook/twitter then add the image into article for displaying. Otherwise, it will import text only.
    • Minimum Image Width/Height: images that has size less than the defined size here will not be imported. Depend on your content displaying, you can define which size is better.
    • Import Limit: set the limit of items to be imported per profile each pulling time. This is the new items, not updated items .

    4.2 Youtube and Vimeo

    General Settings



    • Status: enable or disable the profile
    • Youtube username: enter youtube username where you want to import content from.
    • Type: select a type of source where you will get videos from. Vimeo supports to get videos from specific user, album, group or chanel.
    • Username or ID: Depending on your profile type, you need enter valid name or id of vimeo user, group, channel or album in this field.

    Article Settings

    Note: it is the same with the 3.1 Facebook and Twitter section.

    Video Setting

    • Width/Height: set the size of video (in pixel).
    • Autoplay: if Yes, when item is opened in front, video will auto play.
    • Loop: select Yes if you want loop video.
    • Use old embed code: There are two styles of embed codes that are available for Vimeo videos. The new embed code begins with “<iframe…” and supports both Flash and HTML5 video. The older style of embed code begins with “<object…” and only support Flash playback.Some services only support the older “<object…” embeds. If you do encounter a site that rejects your “<iframe…” embed code, the recommended course of action is that you use the older “<object…” code for the time being.



    Advanced Settings

    Note: it is the same with the 3.1 Facebook and Twitter section.

    4.3 Instagram and Flickr

    General Settings



    • Status: enable or disable the profile
    • Youtube username: enter youtube username where you want to import content from.
    • Type: select a type of source where you will get videos from. Vimeo supports to get videos from specific user, album, group or chanel.
    • Username or ID: Depending on your profile type, you need enter valid name or id of vimeo user, group, channel or album in this field.

    Article Settings

    Note: it is the same with the 3.1 Facebook and Twitter section.

    Advanced Settings

    Note: it is the same with the 3.1 Facebook and Twitter section.

    Front-end Appearance

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 12 years, 1 month ago.

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