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  • hennysmafter Friend

    i installed joomla 2.5.2 with the quickstart from you guys with the t3 blank template in it.
    i updated to joomla 2.5.4

    i have on my old site the first t3 blank version which has standard a white megamenu this is what i want to achieve on the new site that i am developing on localhost.

    but after the installation i see that the menu is red with black aswell as the modules.
    i have been searching everywhere to find out which css to change and i cant find it. i have changed already all css files that have the word mega in it but nothing is changing

    i cleared the joomla cache, t3 cache and browser cache, optimalisation is off. and everytime nothing is changing.

    what i want to achieve is to make the complete menu white with orange text and by mouse over the text becomes black everything else stays white. just as with the original t3 blank.

    or is there an original t3 blank for joomla 2.5 because that will solve it even quicker.

    thanks for the help in advance

    PS: it looks now like this http://demo.t3.joomlart.com/joomla25/ but i want to have it like this http://demo.t3.joomlart.com/joomla15/

    I found my own solution i hope someone find it usefull.

    I took from the original domain (joomla 1.5 site with t3 1.0=domain1) the mega.css and the template.css

    I replaced all the mega.css and template.css on the new domain (joomla 2.5 site with t3 2.0=domain2) with the ones from domain 1.

    so basically it is solved… But i am still curious if i could just change 1 file instead of all the different themes

    1. Untitled
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi hennysmafter,

    As you mentioned, You have replaced all those css files and above all that helped so don’t need to have any more doubts, you can also use the firebug add-on to check and see exactly which css settings from which files need to be changed.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sherlock 12 years, 8 months ago.

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