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  • pastrin Friend


    I am using uvite in http://www.emausobradeamor.org/index.php

    and trying to use JA-Tabs. in Articles id mode. The problem is that I cannot open the full content or the article or follow a readmore tag.

    Any suggestion?



    Anonymous Moderator


    in Administrator, please go to extensions -> Module manager to edit mod_jatabs module.

    In the edit page, at Advanced Parameters tab, you can change the height of tabs.

    alivebyscience Friend

    So then there is no Read More… function in JA Tabs? There are 5 different tab types… do any of them support Read More… ?

    instantinlaw Friend

    Similar problem here,
    Readmore returns the following url: http://www.mysite.com/?catid= and just reloads the page without showing the rest of the article.
    So, readmore does not appear to be working in this module. Can any of the support staff help?

    tinymedia Friend


    i have the same Problem. JA Tabs only shows the Introtext without an automatic Readmore-button. I think that´s because the Text is “normal content” and no “blog”. I solved the Problem by puttig an manual readmore-button in every Article. (I use Articels-Category-ID)
    ********CODE EXAMPLE**********
    <a href=”index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=65:london&catid=21:business&Itemid=53″ title=”London” class=”readon”>Weiterlesen…</a>
    <hr id=”system-readmore” />
    The first id (here 65) is the id of the article itself.
    The catid (here 21) is the ID of the category
    The Itemid (here 53) is the ID of the menu item which should be activated.

    It works fine – the content shows after click on readmore and the Tabs-thing shows beneath because its on the Module-position “banner” (I use JA-Trona)

    The Problem is – because the site reloads – the FIRST Tab is shown whatever tab i clicked before.
    I think, that is defined in: plugins/content/ja_tabs/ja_tabs.js

    ******* CLIPPING CODE PART1**********

    this.titles[0].className = ‘first’;
    this.titles.className = ‘last’;
    this.titles[0].addClass (‘active’);
    ******CLIPPING CODE PART2 **********
    //Create animation object
    this.anim = eval (‘new ‘+this.options.animType + ‘(this)’);

    if(this.options.activateOnLoad != ‘none’)
    if(this.options.activateOnLoad == ‘first’)
    this.activate(this.titles[0], true);
    this.activate(this.options.activateOnLoad, true);

    if (window.ie) this.firstload = true;
    window.addEvent(‘resize’, this.resize.bind(this));


    Has sombody an idea how i can show the current Tab-introtext so that content and Tab match up?


    instantinlaw Friend

    Hi Tinymedia,
    The way I see it is that even your work around isn’t working.
    I do get a readmore button, but it does not go to the full article.
    I’d really like one of the Ja Staff to chime in on this.

    tinymedia Friend

    Hi instantinlaw,

    did you copy the code in your article?
    I saw even now that there are false blanks in my code from copy and paste in the forum. sorry, I didn´t recognise. Theres one at “artc le” and one at “itemi d”.
    Try it again with:
    <a href=”index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=65:london&catid=21:business&Itemid=53″ title=”London” class=”readon”>Weiterlesen…</a>
    <hr id=”system-readmore” />

    That should do. And don´t forget to change the ids to the right ones.

    Hope I could help one step further.

    Bye Tiny

    Attention! I corrected the mistake with the blanks twice and its o.k. when I write it in this field but it alwas shows the two false blanks when I save it… Please delete the blanks by yourself. I dont know, why this happens. Strange thing…

    instantinlaw Friend

    Hi Tinymedia,
    I’m sorry I wasn’t clear in my message.
    I do already get a readmore button in the output. I don’t need to add it manually.
    In fact, no matter what I do I can’t get the readmore to go away in the first tab because if I could I would just do a work around and use the show full text option.
    I know how to add a manual link in articles but that’s not what I’m talking about. The readmore button that is automatically added to the article in the tabs should go to the page it’s supposed to go to. We shouldn’t have to do work arounds to get it to work as advertised.
    I really wish one of the Ja staff would fix this, I know they are looking at this thread.
    Thank you Tiny for trying to help out. 😉

    tinymedia Friend

    Hi Instantinlaw,

    yes I really misunderstood you… Sorry I couldn´t help you on.
    But – how do you get your readmorebutton in the output? I never got one, so I chose the workaround by manual readmorebuttons.
    I use Types tab: Articles-Category ID
    Tab style:barite
    Tabs title Position:left
    Tabs title with:150px
    Event type:click
    Use ajax:no
    View: introtext

    And in the article I use a normal “system-readmore” . I use JCE editor.
    Am I missing something?:confused:

    @ja staff: Its really a cool extension – can we please have some support to get this problem fixed? I mean, It´s not realistic to have such short articles like you use in your nice examples. The readmore is really needed. I hope you can help us on 🙂

    Bye Tiny

    P.S. I have one more Problem with Ja-tabs. When I have a single Tab, no content shows up :confused: Opened a new thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/ja-tabs-single-tab-has-no-content/
    Maybye someone will have a quick look? Would be really nice. Its rather urgent.

    instantinlaw Friend

    Hi Tinymedia,
    I’m not sure I can explain why mine sort of works. Your settings are correct.
    I know the problem is in the coding of the module, but my steingth is in design not coding.
    This is one JA is going to have to fix.

    instantinlaw Friend

    Are the staff watching?

    instantinlaw Friend

    Is anyone watching?

    tinymedia Friend

    No, unfortunately not yet…
    I´m hoping the best…

    Bye Tiny

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi all,

    Current the ja tabs plugin does not support this issue.

    But you can try with my guide:

    + Open ja_tabs.php file in pluginscontent folder, at about line 212, find following code section:

    if(!isset($params[‘view’]) || $params[‘view’]!=’fulltext’ || $row->fulltext ==”){
    $divs .= $row->introtext;
    $divs .= $row->introtext.$row->fulltext;

    and change to:

    if(!isset($params[‘view’]) || $params[‘view’]!=’fulltext’ || $row->fulltext ==”){
    $divs .= $row->introtext;
    $link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->id, $row->catid, $row->sectionid));
    $divs .= ‘<a href=”‘.$link .'” class=”readon” title=”‘.JText::sprintf(‘Read more…’).'”>’.JText::sprintf(‘Read more…’).'</a>’;
    $divs .= $row->introtext.$row->fulltext;

    When you select View type to introtext, READ MORE link will display.

    Hope it helps.

    instantinlaw Friend

    Thanks joomla developer.
    I’ll let everyone know how it goes.

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