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  • pukkur Friend

    Hi there,
    This Tabs seem tricky for me beginner.
    Id like to publish category (id: 35) with 5 items.

    Here can you see my “masterpiece”: http://www.projektiranyitas.hu

    This is a code I using under “Tabs type:contents”

    {jatabs type="articles" catid="35" numberTabs=5 view="introtext" position="top" width="600" height="230" mousetype="click" animType="animFade" skipAnim="false" duration=1000 }{/jatabs}

    Could you help me to display this content right in Jabra style?

    1. jabra1
    2. jabra2
    calvencyc Friend

    no really understand ….. u want to show the content on tab???? .. actually the easy where to know . just install the sample data while you installing you database

    use sample data . easy to get learn for using tab…

    malestorm Friend

    Unfortunately when applying this to an existing site I don’t really want to load sample data or use the quick start package.

    The documentation is very poor in providing examples of how to get this working. A few screenshots showing what to put into “Enter content code” in each scenerio would probably help a lot.

    geleugim Friend

    I had to do 3 things to get my JA Tabs working.

    1. Follow the recomendations: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/missing-tab-style/

    2. Use Firefox to configure the JA Tabs module because I notice that the drop downs would not save when using IE7. Could be just my pc.

    3. Install the RC1 version of the JA Tabs found under the beta downloads on this website.

    After I did those 3 my JA Tabs work great.


    Menalto Friend

    Did you manage to solve this? if so please mark this as solved, if not and you still need help please post here again and include your joomla version, template verison and a description of your problem if different from before.

    malestorm Friend

    Still a problem. Implementation of this feature should be documented better as it is very difficult to get working without loading the quickstart which is not appropriate when applying to an existing site.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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