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  • sakattack Friend


    I’m using Ja-methys template and all of my content is in K2. I’m publishing some K2-content modules in ja-tabs which show correctly but the items’ title-links are not search engine friendly. I have joomla SEO turned off and I’m also using SH404.

    When I hover my mouse over a Title-link of a K2 item that’s presented through ja-tabs, the browser shows the non-sef url, however when I click it it redirects me to the correct SEF url. I’d like it though to show the SEF url, how can I make it interact with Sh404?

    As of now, If i disable sh404 and I enable joomla sef url, everything shows, and works fine. Any ideas to make it work with sh404 too?

    sakattack Friend

    I fixed it moments after posting here. All I had to do was disable ajax.

    darrenf Friend

    What do you mean by disable ajax? I’m facing a problem with my tabs when I turn on SEF. The images fail to load sometimes. I’m wondering if the solution you found can fix it.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Hi Draren!

    Could you give a link and screenshot for me. I’ll check for you.

    Thank you.

    sakattack Friend

    I mean in the ja-tabs module there’s an advanced setting “use ajax” with yes/no options, choose no.

    darrenf Friend

    Mine is already set to “no”. I guess that isn’t my solution 🙁

    sakattack Friend

    your problem sounds like a conflict, do you use anything with jquery? try disabling ajax and jquery in ANY module/plugin that uses these libraries (they must have a setting for it), download and install jquery++ plugin and put it last in the order of system plugins and see if that works.

    sakattack Friend

    also in jquery++ ,activate the jquery no conflict mode

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Hi Darren!

    This isn’t bug from JA-TABS. This is JA CONTENTSLIDERII bug. Please do this to solve it:

    – Open helper.php under modules/mod_jacontentslider2

    – Replace this code:

    if( $thumbnailMode != 'none' && $jaimage->sourceExited($image) ) {
    $imageURL = $jaimage->resize( $image, $width, $height, $crop, $aspect );
    if( $returnURL ){
    return $imageURL;
    if ( $imageURL != $image && $imageURL ) {
    $swidth = $width ? "width="$width"" : "";
    $sheight = $height ? "height="$height"" : "";
    $image = "<img src="".$imageURL."" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight $attrs />";
    } else {
    $image = "<img $attrs src="$image" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight />";
    } else {
    if( $returnURL ){
    return $image;
    $swidth = $width ? "width="$width"" : "";
    $sheight = $height ? "height="$height"" : "";
    $image = "<img $attrs src="$image" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight />";

    by this code:

    if ( $image ) {
    $title = strip_tags( $title );
    $thumbnailMode = $params->get( 'source-articles-images-thumbnail_mode', 'crop' );
    $aspect = $params->get( 'source-articles-images-thumbnail_mode-resize-use_ratio', '1' );
    $crop = $thumbnailMode == 'crop' ? true:false;
    $jaimage = JAImage::getInstance();

    if( $thumbnailMode != 'none' && $jaimage->sourceExited($image) ) {
    $imageURL = $jaimage->resize( $image, $width, $height, $crop, $aspect );
    if( $returnURL ){
    return $imageURL;
    if ( $imageURL != $image && $imageURL ) {
    $swidth = $width ? "width="$width"" : "";
    $sheight = $height ? "height="$height"" : "";
    $image = "<img src="".JURI::root().$imageURL."" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight $attrs />";
    } else {
    $image = "<img $attrs src="".JURI::root().$image."" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight />";
    } else {
    if( $returnURL ){
    return $image;
    $swidth = $width ? "width="$width"" : "";
    $sheight = $height ? "height="$height"" : "";
    $image = "<img $attrs src="".JURI::root().$image."" alt="{$title}" title="{$title}" $swidth $sheight />";

    Tell me if you need more helps. Thank you.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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