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  • g1900kon Friend

    I have a problem that the “box” of my tabs and content is too small. My settings:

    {jatabs type=”modules” module=”ja-tabs-lin” position=”top” width=”500″ height=”650″ mouseType=”click” animType=”animMoveVir” skipAnim=”true” duration=1000} {/jatabs}

    I have set Skipanim to true in order to see content. When it’s set to false, no content is shown. When I look at the demo site, I can see the animation and content, so it’s not a browser problem. I don’t know if this as anything to do with my problem?

    When I look at the source of my page I notice a few things:

    <script type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf-8″>
    window.addEvent(“load”, init);
    function init() {
    myTabs1 = new JATabs(“myTab-27885838”, {position:’top’, width:500,height:200,mouseType:’click’,animType:’animMoveVir’, skipAnim:’true’,duration:1000,width:300,heightTabs:30,widthTabs:300,style:’basic’});
    </script><div class=”ja-tabswrap” style=”width:300px; height:200px”> <div id=”myTab-27885838″ class=”container” > <div class=”ja-tabs-title-top” style=”width:300px; height:30px”>
    <ul class=”ja-tabs-title”><li><h3><span>Tab 1</span></h3></li><li><h3><span>Tab2</span></h3></li></ul>
    <div class=”ja-tab-panels-top” style=”width:280px;;”><div class=”ja-tab-content”>
    <div class=”ja-tab-subcontent”><h3>Text</h3></div>
    </div><div class=”ja-tab-content”>
    <div class=”ja-tab-subcontent”>Text</div>

    If you look in the code you can see that the width of “500” is taken from my settings, the height isn’t. But after the width = “500” als a width of “300” is there:

    myTabs1 = new JATabs(“myTab-27885838”, {position:’top’, width:500,height:200,mouseType:’click’,animType:’animMoveVir’, skipAnim:’true’,duration:1000,width:300,heightTabs:30,widthTabs:300,style:’basic’});

    Where is the standard 300 and 200 coming from? It’s not in the CSS files so where can I change this? Or am I doing something else not correct.

    Menalto Friend

    You have some settings in the plug in/module if i remember correct..

    g1900kon Friend

    Yes, the module has advanced parameters. But whatever I enter, nothing changes.

    Menalto Friend

    this is strange, whats your site url? and joomla veersion?

    g1900kon Friend

    I have sent you a PM. I hope you can help me out.

    Menalto Friend

    Please send me the log in info also and url

    g1900kon Friend

    Done, see the pm

    g1900kon Friend

    Did you have a look Menalto?

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  g1900kon 16 years, 3 months ago.

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