What is the requirements for this new template. I am considering to purchase this. However, i have some questions.
1) Can i just buy this template alone?
2) Can this template be run on the Joomla 1.5.3 (latest version)
3) What kind of server scripts are required (i.e. gd, gd2, imagemagick, js, php versions?). I ask this because i notice that Hot Topics module where you mouse over the image is not working on some of the servers (it messes up the roll over). I am not expert at servers so i dont know what might be causing this and i am not so sure if i have the software to run that module in my server, and neither do i have the ability to install specific softwares to meet the requirements of that Hot Topics module. So i want everything perfect.
4) For how long can i use one template, and will i be able to upgrade it to lets say teline III when it comes out?