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  • thongtinhanquoc Friend

    Hi there,
    This is my site, Korean news for Vietnamese, using JA Teline II template:
    Love to see your comments, guys:)

    Have a nice weekend!

    sunrise Friend

    Have a nice weekend too. The site looks nice enough, but at least on my connection it wsa a bit slow in loading. Are the picures you using too big? Or mabye it was just my connection?

    cjmicro Friend

    pics do seem a little large; however when I first opened the site I was thinking to myself, those are some really good strong photos and didn’t notice the load time. nice site.


    thongtinhanquoc Friend

    Thanks guys for your comments 🙂
    Actually, I just started it 2 months ago. Hoping my site will be better after some times. I really love the theme JA Teline II 🙂

    @sunrise: Yes, I like to use large pictures for my site. But the site doesn’t load as slow as your thought 🙂


    jamespn5457 Friend

    The site loads super slow for me. It takes 5 minutes to display complete.

    thongtinhanquoc Friend

    <em>@jamespn5457 95392 wrote:</em><blockquote>The site loads super slow for me. It takes 5 minutes to display complete.</blockquote>

    It’s impossible. Never I been the same with you. Could you please recheck another time and give me some comments 🙂

    cjmicro Friend

    i just reloaded and counted about 1 minute 30 sec for the full home page to load. I am on satellite internet connection so definitely not the fastest. Maybe some other people will check and report their load time to help you.


    sunrise Friend

    <em>@thongtinhanquoc 95381 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks guys for your comments 🙂
    Actually, I just started it 2 months ago. Hoping my site will be better after some times. I really love the theme JA Teline II 🙂

    @sunrise: Yes, I like to use large pictures for my site. But the site doesn’t load as slow as your thought 🙂

    The pictures are great, but maybe they are actully bigger in file size than they need to be for the display you have. Maybe you could reduce the file size, imporve spreed and still have the same great powerful pics!?

    rainboy72 Friend

    I find the site loading quite slow as well; yesterday evening my time it was quite okay though; so it seems to be depending on time and maybe the amount of visitors ?

    Loading time was 62 seconds here at 16:28GMT+1.

    thongtinhanquoc Friend

    <em>@sunrise 95551 wrote:</em><blockquote>The pictures are great, but maybe they are actully bigger in file size than they need to be for the display you have. Maybe you could reduce the file size, imporve spreed and still have the same great powerful pics!?</blockquote>
    Thank you, sunrise. I will do that for sure.

    <em>@rainboy72 95555 wrote:</em><blockquote>I find the site loading quite slow as well; yesterday evening my time it was quite okay though; so it seems to be depending on time and maybe the amount of visitors ?

    Loading time was 62 seconds here at 16:28GMT+1.</blockquote>
    Thanks rainboy72! I’m using a sharing host and I know what I would do next for my site through your comments 🙂

    rainboy72 Friend

    There are plenty of things you can do before going that way 😉

    thongtinhanquoc Friend

    <em>@rainboy72 95688 wrote:</em><blockquote>There are plenty of things you can do before going that way ;-)</blockquote>
    Thanks 🙂
    I’m still on the way to find out which are best for my site. So, it’s really good to get comments and advices from you guys.

    Christmas is coming up. Hope you all have a full happy Season!

    thongtinhanquoc Friend

    Hi guys,

    I’ve just redesigned the logo of my website. A work in Illustrator. I attach here the normal size and a link to the original size.
    Could anyone give me a comment on it. Thank you in advance 🙂

    sfpkent Friend


    Nice site even though I don’t understand the language. 😛

    thongtinhanquoc Friend

    <em>@sfpkent 97082 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    Nice site even though I don’t understand the language. :P</blockquote>
    Sure you could not understand because it’s a Vietnamese site 😛
    Thanks for your nice comment.
    BTW, I visited your site and do love it. Congratulation!

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