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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    A. Quickstart Installation(Recommended for Joomla Beginners)Quickstart Installation Guideline. You are new to Quickstart installation? Learn more HERE.
    B. Template & Extensions installation

    I. Install template

    II. Install Extensions
    Note: We might use the same extension for different templates to enrich the functionality aspects, normally position defined for each extension varies across the templates. When following guides below, please make sure to update module positions if you see any difference.

    1. JA News II ModulesJA News II Frontpages Modules
    2. JA Twitter Module
    3. JA News ticker Module
    4. JA Bulletin Module
    5. JA Tabs Module- JA Tabs Plugin
    6. JA Zin Plugin
    7. JA Content – JA Disqus Debate Echo Plugin
    8. JA Popup Plugin
    9. JA Bookmark Plugin
    10. JA Thumbnail Plugin (Inline Image Gallery)
    11. JA User Setting Plugin
    12. JA Mega Parameters Plugin

    In JA Teline III, default positions of those modules are:
    Note: [xx] stands for module position and module class suffix

    • Position [content-top], Module class suffix:{none} JA News Frontpage Module
    • Position [ja-tabs], Module class suffix:{none} JA Bulletin Module, named: Latest News
    • Position [ja-tabs], Module class suffix:{none} JA Bulletin Module, named: Most Read
    • Position [megamenu], Module class suffix:{none} JA Megamenu Module
    • Position [content-bot], Module class suffix:{none} JA News2 Module
    • Position [headlines], Module class suffix:{none} JA Newsticker Module
    • Position [col-mass1], Module class suffix:[_tabs] JA Tabs Module, named: JA Tabs
    • Position [col-mass1], Module class suffix:[_tabs] JA Tabs Module, named: JA Tabs 2
    • Position [col-mass1], Module class suffix:[_tabs] JA Tabs Module, named: JA Tabs 3
    • Position [mega-item], Module class suffix:{none} JA Twitter Module

    Custom module position and module class suffix
    To manage the custom modules, select Extensions >> Module Manager >> Select mod_custom, then click module name, (Eg. Book reviews). In configuration page, you set position and module class suffix for it.

    • Book reviews (position: col-mass2, module class suffix: _hilite badge-top)
    • Tool (position: mega-item, module class suffix: _fonttool)
    • Banner 1 (position: col-mass1)
    • Discussion (position: col-mass2)
    • Adv (position: col-mass2)
    • Videos of the day (position: ja-tabs2)
    • Photo gallery (position: ja-tabs2)
    • Bookmark pages (position: ja-tabs2)
    • Artist highlight (position: left)
    • Sport highlight (position: left)
    • Feature news (position: left)
    • World highlight (position: left)
    • Tech highlight (position: left)

    III. New JA Template Framework

    1. JA Template Framework Information

    IV. Tips & FAQs

    • FAQs: I wonder whether there is much difference among JA Teline, JA Teline II and JA Teline III?:
    • On the surface, JA Teline III appears to derive from JA Teline and JA Teline II, however it is a complete new template. Not only new addons, revamped JA News module, but also JA Teline III deploys first-time-introduce template framework of JoomlArt.

    • FAQs: I want only registered users have permission to configure sections/categories displayed in front-page, how can I?:
    • From your Joomla Administrator, navigate to Extensions>Plugin Manager, then click on plugin title JA User Setting for joomla 1.5.x. Then, edit field Access Level to registered and click Save.

    • FAQs: How to create nested modules like MOST READ, LATEST NEWs etc., as per JA Teline III demo?:
    • We use module JA Tabs to create nested boxes, then JA Tabs itself loads specific modules into such boxes. By default, JA Tabs can load many types of content (articles, modules, module, content). For instance, to create the tabs MOST READ, LATEST NEWs in our JA Teline III demo, we use JA Tabs module to load module JA Bulletin. For more information on how to use the JA Tabs module, check out HERE.

    • FAQs: I see comment systems on JA Teline III demo is already active, do I need an account on ie. IntenseDebate, DisQus, JS-Kit when install JA Teline III on my site?
    • Yes. You need an account registered with comment system provider. Then declare your account or domains respectively into JA Comment plugin.

    • FAQs: Where comments are stored?
    • All comments are stored on IntenseDebate, JS-Kit or DisQus’ server, depending which one you use. You moderate comments via IntenseDebate, JS-Kit, DisQus site.

    • FAQs: If I register two sites under 1 account (i.e. IntenseDebate), then how comments associated with two sites be displayed?
    • Comments are stored in IntenseDebate server, thus they will be shown in both of your sites. Please use separate account for each site to avoid irrelevant comments.

    • FAQs: Can I enable comment feature in other Joomla! component?
    • No. Comment system only works with Joomla content component (com_content).

    • FAQs: Can I enable comment feature in specific article only?
    • Yes. From configuration area of plugin JA Comment, you select Method Manual. Then, you insert code {jacomment} into article(s) you wish to enable comment. Other articles without this code will be displayed normally, but with no comment form.

    • FAQs: How JA Teline III servers handheld devices?:
    • JA Teline III automatically detects user browser: computer-based or handheld based on which respective layout will be loaded. For handheld devices, JA Teline III scans all popular mobile browsers (iPhone, Android, Opera Mini, Blackberry, Palm, Windows etc.,).

    • Tips: Create menu items automatically using JA Zin plugin:
    • This plugin will find all available section and categories in your Joomla site and create all menu items link to such section/categories. Once created, menus item will be set to publish status. You can delete or unpublish unnecessary menus. The menu will be recreated if you choose “Update Setting” = Yes and click SAVE/APPLY.

    • Tips: Turn off JA Zin plugin to save resources:
    • This plugin is used to generate the menu tree for selected section or category. So after you’ve running it and have your desired menu, you can turn it off to save your resource and get a faster load for your site. If you leave it on, menu will be re-generated everytime your page loading. To learn more on this plugin, browser this link.

    • Tips: How to track performance of bookmark button on JA Teline III?:
    • The plugin JA Bookmark integrates bookmark button from AddThis. You need sign up an account on AddThis (this service is for FREE), then declare your account into plugin JA Bookmark configuration panel (From your Joomla Administrator, navigate to Extensions>Plugin Manager, click on plugin title JA Bookmark for Joomla! 1.5. Then, fill your account username into field AddThis Account. Make sure you click Save). [/url].

    lovebenidorm Friend

    Where can I find how to setup a user registeration page or module?



    raomeka Friend

    I have couple of part time news editors who upload news stories on the website. Do I have to give them the admin access or can they do it from the site itself? If so how?

    If they have to admin access to add new articles is there a way to restrict the access they have ?

    Also when I try to create new stories and upload images the uploader does not work. How can I upload from my computer to the media folder.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi raomeka

    for the case, please submit a ticket, send us your live url, admin account so that we have a closer look on the issue

    mkanil Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 158857 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi raomeka

    for the case, please submit a ticket, send us your live url, admin account so that we have a closer look on the issue</blockquote>
    How can I have only registered users of my site comment on articles on the site.

    mkanil Friend

    <em>@mkanil 160335 wrote:</em><blockquote>How can I have only registered users of my site comment on articles on the site.</blockquote>
    How can I have the web site Admin approve a comment on teh article before it is published. I have seen folks entering obscene information in these comment functions. So if I as an Admin can approve it before it is published that woudl help is there a setting that I can change to enable this. I have seen something similar in some templates.

    gray Friend

    <em>@mkanil 160336 wrote:</em><blockquote>How can I have the web site Admin approve a comment on teh article before it is published. I have seen folks entering obscene information in these comment functions. So if I as an Admin can approve it before it is published that woudl help is there a setting that I can change to enable this. I have seen something similar in some templates.</blockquote>

    The JA commenting plugin is based on 3rd parties sites (comments engines): IntenseDebate, Disqus, JS-Kit.

    I think all of them has moderation features. For example, the Disqus says:
    “You may choose to pre-moderate all comments posted on your site. All comments, spam or not, will require moderator approval before being published for others to see.”

    bvrobert Friend

    Hi i have some problems in joomlart templates.Most of them for exemple now i am working with jatelin3 appear in article just a part for customize the words.Is missing colour,embebed media and so on..Why aapear like that?What’s the reason?

    bvrobert Friend

    i i have some problems in joomlart templates.Most of them for exemple now i am working with jatelin3 appear in article just a part for customize the words.Is missing colour,embebed media and so on..Why aapear like that?What’s the reason?

    bvrobert Friend

    THANKS JOOMLART,and many thanks Hoang Quoc Dat 🙂

    ejbjane Friend

    I can’t seem to find any instruction or guidelines how to change styles in the templates. I can open the css files and it is nicely commented but how should I proceed if I would like to change a background color of a positon for example? user2 or colmass1?

    Thanks if someone has my answer, pleas post!


    filmlover7 Friend

    Good question Liz! I would love to know too.
    There is a button to Edit CSS in the Template Manager.
    You would probably find the CSS for the styling you want in the “template.css” file. You would have to make it writable to change it. I am not an expert, so I hope someone else comments as well.

    There may be a “Super Template Manager” offered by a third party (I don’t know).

    didima Friend

    found this useful, nice

    patvandenbosche Friend

    I’m trying to set up JA TelineIII but this is a conversion from Joomla 1.0 so I couldn’t really use the demo database from Quickstart. I need help with the JA Tabs, but the link you have above isn’t right. Please send me the correct link so I can figure out to get the tabs working in the template.

    <blockquote>FAQs: How to create nested modules like MOST READ, LATEST NEWs etc., as per JA Teline III demo?:
    We use module JA Tabs to create nested boxes, then JA Tabs itself loads specific modules into such boxes. By default, JA Tabs can load many types of content (articles, modules, module, content). For instance, to create the tabs MOST READ, LATEST NEWs in our JA Teline III demo, we use JA Tabs module to load module JA Bulletin. For more information on how to use the JA Tabs module, check out HERE.

    Pat Vanden Bosche

    patvandenbosche Friend

    I found the guide for this module after I posted this — here is the correct link:



    Pat Vanden Bosche

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