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  • splico123 Friend

    if you are about to update to 1.2.0 which i just noticed it was out and upgraded to it watch out, seems that RTL is in but it shows up at same time as LTR active at all times, even after changing in the backend. Also another issue is that there seems to be a problem with the mega menu…. double menu showing up at same time..

    can any of devs confirm this…

    btw 1.2.0 is available through extension upgrade from JA.

    simon 101 Friend

    Same issues for me.

    splico123 Friend

    yeap, confirmed for sure now on different server i tried.

    ALSO: can devs please fix the LAST UPDATED calculation please so we can use server time instead???

    thanks a lot

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    dear splico123,

    with the latest version 1.2.0 of Teline IV:

    1. the option LTR & RTL is working fine.
    2. the mega menu has 2 levels by default.
    3. “Last updated”, you meant the “ago time” at every articles and comments?

    splico123 Friend

    <em>@splico123 210121 wrote:</em><blockquote>if you are about to update to 1.2.0 which i just noticed it was out and upgraded to it watch out, seems that RTL is in but it shows up at same time as LTR active at all times, even after changing in the backend. Also another issue is that there seems to be a problem with the mega menu…. double menu showing up at same time..

    can any of devs confirm this…

    btw 1.2.0 is available through extension upgrade from JA.</blockquote>

    has this been fixed? anyone know?

    annalu76 Friend

    Hi guys,
    i’ve just upgrade to the latest version 1.2.0 of Teline IV, on a clean install of version 1.1.0 without any customization.
    As soon as I have finished the installation, the frontpage was messed up, in particular the JA News Frontpage module looks like in the attached image.:((
    I’ve tryed other module parameters by using different profile selections and other profiles then “default” seems to work better but showing different minor problems.

    One more detail: the preview on IE8 and Firefox 3.6.13 looks very different but with same errors

    Any suggestions? :-*

    1. versioneJA12
    steinar Friend

    <em>@splico123 210121 wrote:</em><blockquote>there seems to be a problem with the mega menu…. double menu showing up at same time.</blockquote>

    In this post Phan Gam explains how to fix this:

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear ananlu76,

    Please try as said above by Steinar. Let us know if it works or not.

    nataliia Friend

    Ni splico123! How have you resolved this problem? What was the solution please? Thew link provided did not solve the problem. It just did not make any change. :((

    Phan Gam Friend

    Hi guys,
    Problem with RTL, please clear all cached data then check again.
    If errors persist, please submit a ticket with fully required info. We will check.

    splico123 Friend

    I have the same problem still if i upgrade, i have PM you my server info so you cant check yourself Phan… pls reply to me once you see for yourself.

    splico123 Friend

    any sollution yet? please.

    splico123 Friend

    Ok i have done some firebug testing on this and this is what seems to be a bug…

    for some reason the megamenu is showed twice, and for following reason, if i leave all by default

    <block name=”topmegamenu” type=”topmega”></block>
    <block name=”mainnav” type=”mainnav”></block>

    then you get 2 menus in navigation, if you take away the first line it seems normal, so there is a bug somewhere in the script which is supposed to hide topmegamenu when LTR is active…

    please see if this can be solved

    this has produced another bug or missconfiguration because of missing topmegamenu, you loose the twitter icon to the right and it just shows as menu item

    Phan Gam Friend

    Thank you so much for finding this problem. We will update download package ASAP.
    To quickly fix for your site, you can do it as following:
    1. Open topmega.php under templatesja_teline_ivblocks folder.
    2. after calling Loadmenu() $topmenu->loadMenu();, replace code block bellow

    //check css/js file
    $this->addCSS ('css/menu/mega.css');
    $this->addJS ('js/menu/mega.js');
    <?php $this->genBlockBegin ($block) ?>
    <div id="ja-topnav" class="clearfix">
    <?php if (($topmenu)) $topmenu->genMenu (); ?>
    <?php $this->genBlockEnd ($block) ?>


    if($topparams->get('menutype','mainmenu') =='topmega'):
    //check css/js file
    $this->addCSS ('css/menu/mega.css');
    $this->addJS ('js/menu/mega.js');
    <?php $this->genBlockBegin ($block) ?>
    <?php //var_dump($topmenu);?>
    <div id="ja-topnav" class="clearfix">
    <?php if (($topmenu)) $topmenu->genMenu (); ?>
    <?php $this->genBlockEnd ($block) ?>

    <?php endif;?>
    Hope that helps

    Phan Gam Friend

    Hi guys,
    This issue have been fixed and updated on download packages, please download and reinstall Tenline iv template.
    You also can quickly fix by replace topmega.php file in templatesja_teline_ivblocks folder from new download package to current folder.
    Hope that helps,

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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