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  • izidorg Friend

    I’m trying to set an Article options in “Article Manager: Edit Article”. Unfortunately, my settings changes will not show-up on the site(ftont-end).
    Receiving help/hint is appreciated.
    Best regards,

    pavit Moderator

    Hi izidorg

    Can you provide via PM an admin account to your Backend ?


    izidorg Friend

    What do you mean by PM? How I can activate it?:-[

    pavit Moderator

    Click on my name on the up left then click on Private Message

    Send me your Admin account to your backend so i can check your configuration


    izidorg Friend

    It is done.

    pavit Moderator

    <em>@izidorg 267648 wrote:</em><blockquote>It is done.</blockquote>

    Your site is on localhost ? or you have a link to it

    izidorg Friend

    My site is online ewd.co.il

    pavit Moderator


    I have checked your site you have the Configuration.php unwritable to check this go to your backend –>Site–>Global configuration–> Directory Permissions

    This is an issue due to a misconfiguration from your hosting provider (the configuration.php) file must be set to writable

    anyway you have an old version of telineIV (1.6.6) last week we have released the Joomla 1.7 release of the template for security of your site i suggest to you an upgrade to the last version 1.7


    You can install the quickstart 1.7 version and check minimum requirements during this process

    izidorg Friend

    I’ve changed the file permission to writable for user (644), the status in the backend –>Site–>Global configuration–> Directory Permissions has changed to writable. However this didn’t resolve my issue. Do you suggest to download a newer release and check again?

    pavit Moderator

    install the J1.7 quickstart release
    during installation check if it shows errors

    izidorg Friend


    In the newest 1.7 release this issue is resolved. Many thanks for your help.
    I have one question to ask you: how i can check for minimum requirements during the installation?

    pavit Moderator


    During installation the second step is Pre-Installation Check it checks your server configuration and says<blockquote>”If any of these items is not supported (marked as No) then please take actions to correct them. Failure to do so could lead to your Joomla! installation not functioning correctly.”</blockquote>

    That’s all

    izidorg Friend

    Thanks, I appreciate your quality and timely help!

    pavit Moderator

    Thanks izidorg

    When you need assistance we are here

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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