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  • BigHug Friend

    JA Teline – Userguide for Joomla 1.5.x

    • For users who start your Joomla! site at the beginning, I recommend you using QuickStart package of JA Teline, named as ja_Teline_quickstart_v…_j1.5.x.zip. For instruction how to use JoomlArt quickstart package, please check the QuickStart guide
    • For users who are new to Joomla!, there are many useful documents available at http://joomla.org about Joomla! and how to use, please spend some time to check them out.
    • Here are some other guides that may be useful for you:

    • For users that already have a site with contents and other extensions installed, please follow my instruction below to understand how JA Teline works:


    1.1 Template Installation

    After downloading JA Teline package and extract it, you will find template package named: ja_Teline_template_v…_j1.5.x.zip

    Proceed installation of JA Teline as other normal Joomla! templates. If you don’t know how to do installation or set a template as default, please check the How to install Joomla! template guide.

    To see positions of modules, in Navigation toolbar input string “?tp=1” at the end of site url

    1.2 Template Configuration

    To configure JA Teline, log in Admin are of your Joomla! site, select Extentions >> Template Manager, and click on template name, you will see parameters of the template.

    You can change all JA Teline parameters as you wish.

    1. Color: 3 color themes (Default, Red, Green)
    2. Site Width: type of template screen (Wide/Narrow/Auto screen)
    3. Font Width : Increase/Decrease font size (from 2 to 5).
    4. Tool: include Disable all/Screen tool/Font tool/Screen+font/Color tool/Screen+color/Font+color/all
    5. Menu Type: include Split/Son of Suckerfish Dropdown/Trans/Dropline menu

    Please keep your mouse hover each parameter to see description in details.

    JA Teline module positions are available here . You just need to configure your modules to be loaded on those positions to match JA Teline style.

    If you don’t know how to create module position in Joomla!, please follow this guide


    When extracting JA Teline package, you will see the folder named Extension with all extensions built in the JA Teline, including JA News and JA Tabs. That means when you install via template installer, you need to install JA News and JA Tabs modules separately, then configure their positions as instructed in the Template configuration section.

    You check How to install Joomla! module guide for installation.

    Extensions built in JA Teline comprise:
    Note: [xx] stands for module position

    • [ja-news] JA News module
    • [ja-news] JA News FrontPage module
    • [ja-tab1; ja-tab2] JA Tabs module

    And extension details as follow:

    2.1.JA News module (mod_janews.zip)
    [position: ja-news]

    Note: Only featured articles can be displayed in frontpage
    On demo, it looks like:

    Please go to Extensions >> Modules Manager and click on module name (mod_janews) to go to configuration page.

    Below is the setting of JA News on demo:

    JA News module consists two parts as you see in the Demo. The first part of the module is JA Ajax Headline, which shows the latest frontpage news items in a rollover box. The second part is the other news classified by your categories. Below are the full descriptions.

    1. Headline part:
      • Show Headline: Determine whether the headline was showed.
      • Headline text: Title of the headline if showed.
      • Number of headline news: Number of items in the rollover box. These items is your latest frontpage items.
      • Headline fixed height: Fixed height of JA News Headline. Use it if your news intro have noticeable height to prevent flicks in your site.
      • Auto Roll: Set the rolling state for first time user.
      • Rolling delay time: Delay time of the roll between two items in rollover box (in seconds).
  • Other news part:
    • Category ID: Categories that your news items will be selected from, separated by commas. Leave it blank means all categories will be selected.
    • Link Items: Number of other items listed in each category.
    • Max Chars: Limit the number of characters in the showing item of each category.
    • Image Width: Fixed width of the image of news item.
    • Image Height: Fixed height of the image of news item.
    • Columns: Number of columns division.
    • Show Intro: Determine whether the intro text was showed.
    • Show Image: Determine whether the image was showed.

    Hint: To know what id is your category, go to Content -> Category Manager and look at the Category ID column.
    Make your news intro have the same length of text, it will make your module looks smoother.
    2.2. JA News FrontPage module
    [position: ja-news]

    Frontend :

    backend Settings :

    2.3.JA Tab module(mod_jatabs.zip)

    [position: ja-tab1; ja-tab2]

    On demo, it looks like:

    JA Teline supports multi tabs information presentation. Create the positions ja-tab1 and ja-tab2 and set your modules to be loaded in these positions. Modules put in ja-tab1 will be in the top and ja-tab2 in the bottom of the panel respectively.

    In Admin panel, please go to Extensions >> Modules Manager and publish your modules as below :

    JA Hidden Panel (Member Area)

    The hidden panel on top of the template will be shown when you click to Member Area text beside the search form. It will contain modules which is put in ja-hpanel position. To add a Joomla! position, please take a look here

    You can’t put the original Joomla! Login module in this position because its HTML markup can not be styled this way. Use JA Alternate Login Module instead. You can find this module under JA Teline download area. Download mod_ja_login.zip, install and publish it to ja-hpanel position.


    JA Teline came with a rich typography to give users more ability to customize content look and feel. Please check all JA Teline typography at JA Teline Typography


    Q: How can I create module position in Joomla! ?
    A: Please follow this guide to create module positions.

    Q: How can I make a custom HTML module?

    A: In Module Manager, click on New button, then select Custom HTML, and click Next. Fill your HTML code to Custom Output textarea and click Save. You will have a new Custom Module as you expect.

    Q: Why I need to do many things to make template work? Why don’t you just provide template only?
    A: JoomlArt template is More than just a Template. When you download template package from JoomlArt, you will have all extensions included. The template simply will not be perfect without a hand of extensions. It will not only make your site more attractive but also provide users more features and ability to explore your site easier.

thcaps Friend

After installing the new version of teline and after I had installed the joomla 1.5.6 the site almost go down. Thus forced to use back up that I keep. There are however problems: the front page don’t links to Article (404 error) while some link in the upper bar does not work ( return to index page) home. Similarly, many articles do not appear (404 error). Please tell me what i can do?

matthewschenker Friend

Good Morning,
I am having a very difficult time following the insructions here. First, I do not see a “ja_tabs” module. In my download of Teline, I only have two mods called “ja_news.”

The other thing is, I cannot see how to configure my site to operate the way this template was advertised. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at a lot of posts here, but can’t figure it all out.

Can someone please point me to some straightforward directions here?


questbg Friend

Hi Matthew

The ‘ja_tabs’ modules are all individual modules. If you installed the Quick Start data, go to the Module Manager and sort by Position and ‘User 6’ and you should get a list of the individual tabs modules installed with the Quick Start data (Latest, Popular, YouTube, etc.).

Hope this helps.

matthewschenker Friend

Yes, thanks for the help! I did manage to get the Quick Start installed last night, although there were a lot of problems with particular files not making it into the installation correctly, and I had to insert them manually.

But now I do have a Teline II test site up with the sample data and it’s starting to make more sense to me.

In another thread, someone suggested that Teline and Teline II have a lot of bugs, so perhaps I should be trying out another template anyway! Oh well…

Thanks again,

mj1256 Friend

yes, telene II is buggy and very complicated if you have not an intermediate level of experience with joomla and JA Templates.

If you have a learning curve happening, you should start with something simpler and work your way up

matthewschenker Friend

Well, the problem is, Teline was the reason I paid for a membership here. That’s the only theme here that fits the look I am trying to achieve.

I wish I had known about the issues prior to paying for a membership.

How can a paid membership site allow bugs to persist in a theme for this long? If this were a free site, I’d understand.

Anyway, I have out in a request to close my account. Since I’m within the 7-day trial period, I expect to receive a refund soon.

Thanks to those who have tried to help.

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