test melih
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  • sanjayrath Friend

    JA thumbnail is not resizing the images and is instead cropping them when they are not square or are in different proportions. I have tried the configuration with *auto* like –
    content thumbnail ~
    width: 200
    height: auto
    and Leading & Intro Image ~
    width fixed like: 300, 100
    height: auto
    but it does not work. Is this fixed in the CSS as well? If so, how do we alter that? Any suggestions to help resize the image instead of cropping would be very helpful.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi sanjayrath

    For this case, you can change the mode from crop to resized.

    To do it, please open pluginscontentplg_jathumbnail.php file, at about line 197, find follfowing code:

    function jaResize($image,$max_width,$max_height, $crop=1) {

    and change to:

    function jaResize($image,$max_width,$max_height, $crop=0) {

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