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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    JA Inline Image Gallery Plugin Installation Guide(plg_thumbnail.zip)

    JA Inline Image Gallery Plugin for Joomla! 1.5 allows to generate Thumbnail inside Joomla Article(s) automatically.

    Step 1: Installation
    The installation of plugin is quite a simple task, you get it installed and enabled via Joomla Installer as any other Joomla extension. If this is your first time installation, view our detailed guideline HERE. Inline image gallery should looks:

    Step 2: Configuration

    From the backend of your Joomla site (administration) select Extensions->Plugin Manger, then click on plugin title Thumbnail for Joomla content to enter configuration panel:

    Parameters Explanation:

    • Enable: Yes/No option. Whether to enable or disable this plugin.
    • Type: define content.
    • Plugin file: define plg_jathumbnail.php.
    • Access level:
      1. Public: Everyone can access this Module.
      2. Registered: just who registered in this site.
      3. Special: only Admin and Manager

    You hover your cursor over each parameter to learn on detailed description.

    Step 3: How to use the plugin

    • Configure images inside article(s)
    • Normally, we tend to include image(s) into each article to demonstrate some ideas. Instead of manual configuration for each images, you configure parameters in screenshort below, it applies to all images inside front-end articles:

      Parameters Explanation:

      1. Integration Mode:

      1. Auto mode: All images inside Joomla articles will be loaded into inline gallery automatically. To turn off the feature for specific article, declare the code {jathumbnail off} in that article.
      2. Ex: When, you select Auto mode, inline gallery will be enabled in all Joomla articles on your site. If you want to turn off the inline gallery in any specific article, insert code {jathumbnail off} as follows:

        <p>{jathumbnail off}<img class="caption" src="images/stories/demo/artist/art-4.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample image" title="Sample image" align="left" /></p>

        Then, this article will display the raw image on the frontpage, no line gallery exists.

      3. Manual mode: When this option enabled, you need to declare code {jathumbnail} in articles you expect to have inline gallery feature. Other articles without this code are still displayed as normal, however images are loaded in raw style.
      4. Ex: If you enable Manual mode, you add to source code of the article you expect to enable inline gallery as below:

        <p>{jathumbnail}<img class="caption" src="images/stories/demo/artist/art-4.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample image" title="Sample image" align="left" />{/jathumbnail}</p>

      5. Disable mode: Disable the Thumbnail generation (DO NOT use the Disable feature of Joomla if you have used the tag {jathumbnail} or {jathumbnail off} already. It will be parsed as normal text.
    • Position: Choose position of Thumbnail display.
    • Content Thumbnail Width: Enter preferred width for Thumbnail generation. Default is 200px.
    • Content Thumbnail Height: Enter preferred Height for Thumbnail generation. Default is 200px.
    • Image align: Choose alignment in the articles for the Thumbnail Image. Left/Right/Auto option.
    • [/LIST]

      • Configure Crop-Resize for Blog View – Frontpage:
      • Parameters Explanation:

        1. Blog View Mode:
        2. If ENABLE, all images in Joomla blog view will be resized & cropped to the width & height according to the specified width & height belows.
        3. Apply for Homepage:

        1. If your Homepage is a blog view, select YES to resize & crop image as in other blog view. Please CHANGE bellows setting accordingly.
        2. This setting is applied for default joomla layout, it will not work if you use other module or component for your homepage. Eg. TelineIII uses JA News II so this setting is not applicable.
      • Leading Images Width: define width of image. Default is 200px
      • Leading Images Height: Leading images are the image in the leading article at FrontPage, normally they are the 2 or 3 latest articles above intro articles. Default is 200px.
      • Intro Images Width: Width for Intro Images, which are from intro article, below Leading articles in pixel.
      • Intro Images Height: Height for intro images, which are from intro article, below Leading aritcles.
      • When you change those params, following effects can be seen:

        – Crop-resize settings only apply to Blog view layout (i.e Section Blog Layout, Category Blog Layout, Frontpage Blog layout). To learn type of a page on JA Teline III, navigate to menus>Magazine, then click on menu item you wish to check (see Menu Item Type)
        – Crop-resize settings will not work if you use other module or component for your homepage. Eg, JA Teline III uses JA Teline II module for homepage, thus this setting will not be applicable.


        You can change all parameters as you wish.

      speedexe Friend

      thnk you for the informations

      zorroh Friend

      where and how i put pictures what i want to show? tag system?

      something like this??
      {jainline image}pic1, pic2, pic3{/jainline image}

      steve100054 Friend

      Can someone help with the problem i have? Photos do not appear in Category/Section front pages and in article pages. If I disable Blog View Mode photos appear in their large original sizes making a real mess. All work ok when i install quickstart in my computer with Xampp but not with my hosting company. Photos appear in frontpage. I tried all different combinations but it doesn’t work. Very frustrating. Can anyone help? Steve

      Anonymous Moderator

      Hi steve100054

      This issue is from the permission of folder.

      Please make sure that images and images/resized folder is writable (chmod = 755 or 777)

      steve100054 Friend

      Thanks for your kind reply. Unfortunately my problem not solved. There are photos in the Front page and Ja news in the front page, but not in the category/article pages. They are only when I disable Blog View Mode, but in their original size. What else does it affect this?

      steve100054 Friend

      Unfortunately my problem still exists.

      zorroh Friend

      Thanks for adding examples how to use this plugins 🙂

      steve100054 Friend

      Problem is still there. I tried everything. It seems that if i cannot solve the problem I will give up with this template. What a pitty!

      speedexe Friend

      I can use it with another template?

      hariorama Friend

      i do not know why, but it does not work on my page

      in all articles in my sections and categories blog layout

      Arvind Chauhan Moderator

      Dear hariorama,

      First of all we need help.
      1. Tell us which article you tried inserting the inline gallery?
      2. Please edit your first post and Click on Require help from Mod /Staff and enter your site login details.


      lcps Friend

      When I enable this plugin, all I get is a blank page on anything that has an image with it. Any suggestions?

      lcps Friend

      When I activate this plugin, all of my pages turn blank.

      anetos Friend

      <em>@speedexe 145068 wrote:</em><blockquote>I can use it with another template?</blockquote>
      i have also the same problem
      thank you

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