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  • insiyah52 Friend

    I am using JA Tiris without the Joomshopping cart, is there something that needs to be disabled other than not pointing to the shopping cart. Could that be the reason my site is SUPER SLOW? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Also how do I disable T3-assets, I think this might also be a problem.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    + If you don’t use Joomshopping cart, you can delete it
    <blockquote>Go to Admin site->Extensions->Extension Manager->find Joomshopping and remove it</blockquote>
    + T3-asset this is folder cache and compress on JAT3 framework, but you can disable it by:
    <blockquote>Go to Admin site->Extensions->Template Manager->edit JA_Tiris – Default->Global Tab->Enable Development Mode(Yes), Enable Template Information(Yes), Optimize CSS(Linked files), Optimize JS(No)</blockquote>

    insiyah52 Friend

    Thanks, I will give it a try. How risky is it to do on a live site?

    insiyah52 Friend

    Wait, can I ask if you think these solutions will speed up the site? They are actually my suggestions. Do you have any other suggestions that might speed it up. If you like I can send you a link and see what you think about the speed.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have some ways to help you speed up your site.
    1) Turn off all components, modules & plugins you do not use.
    <blockquote>Extensions > Install/Uninstall</blockquote>
    2) Turn on caching in Global Configuration
    <blockquote>Site > Global Configuration</blockquote>
    3) Compress CSS and JS
    <blockquote>Admin site > Extensions > Template Manager >edit JA_Tiris – Default > Global Tab > Optimize CSS(Join & Minify & Compress), Optimize JS(Join & Minify & Compress)</blockquote>
    4) Use native SEF
    <blockquote>Using Extensions to generate Search Engine Friendly URLs is useful and necessary for full control over your SEO, but you will get a performance hit.</blockquote>
    5) Optimize your images
    <blockquote>This should go without saying, but make sure the images you use are optimized for the web.</blockquote>
    6) Optimize your server for php & mysql
    <blockquote>Talk to your host and tell them you are using Joomla which is heavy on php and mysql resources. Ask them to optimize your site for this. There are several settings that can improve the speed of your site which mostly equate to allocating more memory on the server to php & mysql. You may have issues if you are using shared hosting, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.</blockquote>

    insiyah52 Friend

    Thanks I’ll definitely give this a try.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  insiyah52 12 years, 4 months ago.

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