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  • Richard A Friend

    I installed the latest version of the JA Typo (2) plugins for Joomla 3.1 on JA Mitius and the JA Typo button appeared at the bottom of the JCK Editor.

    However I get a 500 Error when clicking on the button.

    All my articles are with EasyBlog.

    Is there a conflict with a JCK Editor plugin (I am using most of them)?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi dealthenuts,

    Does this problem persist with Joomla articles or not? I tried to install jckeditor v.6.3.1 and 2 above JA Typo plugins in my local site, in Joomla article, it worked as normal.

    You can try to disable any SEF url, enable error reporting and make sure that you set right permission for file: 644 and folder: 755

    Richard A Friend

    Hi Saquaros,

    Thank you for reply and looking at the problem.

    I only have one Joomla article and tested JA Typo with JCK Editor and everything worked perfectly, but when I tried to use it with EasyBlog articles the following error came up:

    Error 500

    View not found [name, type, prefix]: dashboard, html, contentView

    I assume it is not compatible with EasyBlog?

    If it is possible for Joomlart to fix that would be great, I will also ask EasyBlog support in case it is possible from their side and if no success I can always enter code direct where necessary by reference to the main Bootstrap website.

    Richard A Friend


    Problem identified – I have been using the front end to edit all my articles in EasyBlog and the error 500 message does appear there, however I just checked to see if JA Typo works with EasyBlog articles in Administration and it does, so it is only a front end issue.

    It means I can edit my EasyBlog articles via Administration if I am going to use JA Typo until the problem is corrected, so not a critical timeframe.

    On a slight tangent, I don’t use K2 anymore, good product but the Stackideas collection of products with Joomlart Templates are a great combination for website development, so it was good to see Beranis in July with EasyBlog, not K2, looking forward to more of the same!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Yes, I reported this issue to dev team, they will take a look and fix this soon, you can check the status here: http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JAECPLGTYPOBUTTONJ17-11

    Thanks and BR

    Saguaros Moderator

    Update: please find the fix here if you face the same issue. Just get my attached file and copy it to this directory: pluginseditors-xtdjatypobutton

    1. jatypobutton.zip
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